Sunday, 30 September 2012

Just the one

That's it - just the one.

This has not been a very good season here for runner bean production!



  1. :D We can't even say it's a very pretty bean either, can we? lol The teepee and plant look great though.
    Try again next summer, full sun and lots of compost?

  2. Oh dear!.....Are you saving it for seed? Mine haven't been much better this year. I got my first bean at the end of August, and they finished over a week ago. I got three meals off mine. I've left the vines in place in the hope more flowers will appear, but I don't really expect any more now.

  3. Oh no! We have lots in the freezer. I wonder what happened!? P x

  4. Oh dear oh dear. Better luck next year.
    Anne xx

  5. I think we've had around six but some of our neighbours on the allotment were giving them away as they had so many!! x

  6. I do hope you are going to share it!!!
    Jane x

  7. Bless his little heart, at least you had one willing to fight for you

  8. I've only had a few more than that, I'm still hopeful though as there's lots of small beans on the plants, they just need to grow a bit. This cold weather isn't helping things along. Let's hope for a better year all round in 2013.

  9. Ah well mum, at least you had one! I didnt even bother this year, couldnt be bothered braving the rain to plant them!

  10. I had four.I blame it on the lack of sunshine.

  11. Hello Mum... we meet at last- thank you ! I went across the road today to help myself to beans & tomatoes as requested by neighbours... bag full of runner beans fresh for supper.

  12. Hello Mum! Thank you so much for visiting my blog and for the lovely comment, I've just enjoyed browsing your wonderful blog and will look forward to reading more..Marina x

  13. And many more things too! Don't you think?

    Sft x

  14. I wouldn't say we had exactly a glut of runners but we have managed half a dozen dinners and there's as many again in the freezer. They will be kept for "specisl" as there is so few and I want some saved for christmas dinner. We didn't do well with just about everything else we planted so I'm really pleased with the beans.


Thank you for your comments. it's always exciting reading them.