Friday 27 June 2014

Alphabet Blogging - E

E is for Extending

 - the life of my bunch of Sweet Williams that I bought exactly one week ago.

The leaves were turning yellow and some of the flowers were dead or dying.

Out of the big vase then and chopped down, de-leafed, dead flowers discarded ...

… and then the remaining flowers put into a smaller vase.

I hope these will last another week.

Now for more Alphabet Blogging please follow the links below.


Next week's letter is D.


Thursday 26 June 2014


I pulled out the tomatoes today - these new ones that I put in are not growing well. The compost we planted our first tomatoes in was obviously tainted with I don't know what and they never grew properly even when planted in the greenhouse soil. We'd also tipped some of this compost on to the soil and it's tainted that as well. We didn't fancy eating any tomatoes or cucumbers that have been grown in this compost so I ripped them out today. An area of soil has been pulled away from the vine and we'll put fresh soil in. All the greenhouse soil will have to be taken out and thrown.

The broccoli plants and courgettes have not grown in the garden because they, also, had a poor start so I shall be pulling those up tomorrow.

We've made a decision to re-vamp the back garden and not grow so many vegetables (We have club root and onions develop white rot, while the asparagus is now only growing in the sunny half of the garden.) The only plants that have grown properly have been the mange tout and strawberries.

What a sorry year for growing. I shall make the most of what we have though and make sure it's eaten.


PS - Welcome, Jo, my blogging buddy.

Sunday 22 June 2014


Hoe-ing, picking mange tout, kneading dough, providing cups of tea for DH and walking the cats this morning so far.

Oh, and ironing, sweeping and washing the kitchen floor, hoovering and sorting out some Ebay items.

Good job I'm sitting down now - with pussycats, of course.


Friday 20 June 2014

Alphabet Blogging - F

F is for Fantastic

 - that I've now got tomatoes on some of my tomato plants. The plants we grew from seed only grew so far and then stopped growing altogether because we had some rubbish compost. Some of this compost was dug into the soil in the greenhouse so we thought all was lost even though we bought in 6 new plants. Now one of these plants has produced some tomatoes - not spectacular ones - but fantastic to see because we'd given up hope of a crop this year.

- that each year plants grow and produce fruit. We had the first of our strawberries this week ...

and also the first of the mange-tout. Now there's hundreds of them.

- that someone is able to paint likenesses in such detail ...

and that the painting is as large as a house!

-  that no dog,

or human was harmed in this yarn bombing.

- that I had the opportunity to see a jewel like moth in the greenhouse.

not a very clear pic

Now for more Alphabet Blogging please follow the links below.


Next week's letter is E.


Friday 13 June 2014

Alphabet Blogging - G

G is for Goodness Me

It's Friday again and I'm late in posting my Alphabet letter. I've just settled down to read some blogs and Cathy has posted her G contribution. Oh Goodness me, mine should be up and ready. Go to the Filofax (just thought I'd drop that name in) and look and see what I thought of for the letter G. 

G is for Garden

Of course, it's just the right time to talk about the garden. Well, we've eaten the asparagus, all that we're going to eat anyway (cutting time is from April to June) and now we're starting on the mange-tout. It was a mass of white flowers last week and these are gradually changing into small pods. The first ones we pick are eaten raw and today I put some in a chicken casserole. My strawberries are now forming - better late than never - and a few lettuce have survived the marauding snails.

Unfortunately we started the tomatoes, calabrese, courgettes, corn and peppers in some dreadful compost that has stunted growth considerably. I've had to buy in other tomato plants but they are not coping well either. The corn plants were planted out and are still only quite small and the courgettes which should be romping away are only tiny.

G is for Great and Grow

It's great that the runner and French beans were planted directly into the garden soil. They are growing well thank goodness.

Now for more Alphabet Blogging please follow the links below.


Next week's letter is F.

G is for Goodbye for now!


Thursday 12 June 2014

Out and about in the sunshine

On my walk today I saw the recently restored fountain in the Italian Gardens in Stanley Park. It's very pristine now with beautifully clear blue water. The fountains were playing on the statuary. I only hope that it can stay in this condition for people to enjoy.

I passed the lake with all the trees in full splendour.

The water was still and clear.

My aim was to cut across the park, and cross over the main road to walk round Marton Mere.

With the weather warm, the sky blue, the water still and the insects, flowers and birds going about their business it felt like the middle of summer.

Once around the lake it was back into town to dance the afternoon away. I think I've done my exercise for today. 


PS A very warm (and sunny) welcome to my 2 new followers.

Sunday 8 June 2014

Kitchen Window - June 2014

My yellow stickered flowers are still going strong in my mixing bowl.

The rose from DD's may last a few more days.

The small bottles caught my eye in B&M's. I thought they'd be handy for single flowers. They'll come in handy for drinking first though.

This is not the Kitchen Window, of course, but it is a vase of yellow stickered roses bought for 75p. There's plenty of life in them.

Don't look at the dusty fire place!


Friday 6 June 2014

Alphabet Blogging - H

H is for Have

Have you a favourite room in your home?

Have you a favourite object in the room that you are in?

Have you sorted out what you are going to do today?

Have you finished anything creative this last week?

Have you noticed that the more you type the word 'have' the more is looks mis-spelt?

Have you sorted out a drawer or a cupboard recently?

Have you managed to get out to enjoy a walk?

Why is 'have' pronounced 'hav' and not 'hayve'?

Have you finished reading a book recently?

Have you noticed that I'm very inquisitive?

Have you any more questions? (Not too hard please.)

Have faith.
Have a nice day.
Have fun.
Have your say.
Have a ball.
Have a seat.
Have a dream.
Have I got news for you.
Have your voice heard.
Have a break.

Have a wonderful day today.

Now for more Alphabet Blogging please follow the links below.


Next week's letter is G.


Wednesday 4 June 2014


Just had a great day at the Tower. The new entrance is stunning both from the outside ...

… and the inside.

My friends and I danced,

Ignore the blur.

went up the Tower,

and then went to the Circus. Wow, it was spectacular.

The write up here is true and more. I wish I could find some videos of the acts. They were superb - each and every one of them.

I'm off jiving now.


PS Here's another write up.

PPS I've found a video of one of the acts.

and here's another similar act.