I pulled out the tomatoes today - these new ones that I put in are not growing well. The compost we planted our first tomatoes in was obviously tainted with I don't know what and they never grew properly even when planted in the greenhouse soil. We'd also tipped some of this compost on to the soil and it's tainted that as well. We didn't fancy eating any tomatoes or cucumbers that have been grown in this compost so I ripped them out today. An area of soil has been pulled away from the vine and we'll put fresh soil in. All the greenhouse soil will have to be taken out and thrown.
The broccoli plants and courgettes have not grown in the garden because they, also, had a poor start so I shall be pulling those up tomorrow.
We've made a decision to re-vamp the back garden and not grow so many vegetables (We have club root and onions develop white rot, while the asparagus is now only growing in the sunny half of the garden.) The only plants that have grown properly have been the mange tout and strawberries.
What a sorry year for growing. I shall make the most of what we have though and make sure it's eaten.
PS - Welcome, Jo, my blogging buddy.