Despite our compost disaster there are many plants and veg still growing in the garden. Here the clematis is taking over the pergola.
A couple of courgette plants have started to produce a small crop.
The corn is growing steadily (but isn't as 'high as an elephant's eye' yet).
The runners are running slowly and some are creeping into the asparagus.
Blimey - I've grown a lettuce! The mange tout are almost done and soon I'll be pulling up the carrots to eat. I think we'll be eating tiny onions this year.
Here's the greenhouse minus contaminated soil ...
… and here's the soil in a heap where the brassicas were. It's going to have to be incorporated somehow and enriched with manure probably. (How many barrow loads in a pile of soil?)
There's still a crop in the greenhouse so all is not lost.
The strawberries are still producing ...
and further inspection reveals the chives and lilly of the valley with a foot and a cat thrown in.
I always let one or two poppies grow. This one's a beauty. Spot the intruder?
There he is having a wonderful time amid the petals.
Inspection over - all is well.