Saturday 30 April 2016


And the weather today is sunny ...

… but cold.

Whether the weather be fine
Or whether the weather be not
Whether the weather be cold
Or whether the weather be hot
We'll weather the weather
Whatever the weather
Whether we like it or not.


Tuesday 26 April 2016

Daily Routine

Each day - 

* do at least one good deed

*learn something new

*be grateful for something

*think of someone

* remember your manners

At the end of the day - 

*pose any problem you may have and ask your subconscious to solve it overnight

I think I've managed to tick off most of these today.


Sunday 24 April 2016

Oh Wow

My Filofax Blog was featured on the Philofaxy blog. I wondered why the viewing figures had shot through the roof.

I am one happy ducky. Now I wonder if I should introduce a Filofax for over Fifties Facebook group idea?

Would it work?



Saturday 23 April 2016

Time for an airing ...

… and a mend. 

This throw is in constant use as it covers the sofa in the sun room. Some of the seams were beginning to come apart so I took the opportunity on this fine day to do some mending (and it was on my To Do list in my Filofax).

In order to find the holes I slung it over the mange-tout frame.

That way the holes were easy to spot.

Half an hour later it was all mended and ready to be put back.

Wednesday 20 April 2016


Why is it that when I throw out any clothes for rags e.g. knickers and tights, I always have to wash them first?


Tuesday 19 April 2016

Out exploring

Three new bus routes down our street means three new adventures travelling the routes. The first bus that turned up was going to St. Anne's via a circuitous route so I hopped on and found a very chatty driver who made part of the journey very entertaining until the next driver took over. The journey was not overly long and I spent the next couple of hours having a good old wander around.

First a trip down to say hello to the sea. It's out there somewhere and occasionally wanders in to surprise the residents.

I did a 'look up' tour around the main street ...

and had a bite to eat with DD as she works quite near. To finish off lunch I succumbed to sweeties and sat in the sunshine just people watching.

Wonderful weather, pleasant seating areas,

and bright street furniture.

Lunch time was spent feeding ourselves plus a few visitors.

I had to feed him as he'd just dive-bombed my sandwich!

He was treated to the last morsel.


Monday 18 April 2016

From my seat

Just checking in from my seat at DD's home, or rather, shed. Yep, I'm sitting in the shed. Looks like I'm going to have company soon. In front of me are the double doors of the shed plus little visitor. I've got my feet on the table, not very well mannered but the outdoor settee cover is over it. I covered it so I'm allowed to put my feet on it!

On my left is the other seat - rather a tight fit in here but it's warm and cosy and there's a nasty cold wind blowing out there.

Oops, another visitor.

Far left there's Buddha sleeping - I said it was rather warm.

Above me is the roof of the shed - it's new so very novel at the moment.

I'm wrapped up warm.

Oops, another visitor and puss has bagged her knee. "Knee free - claimed by me. I'm a cat, you see."

Aha, my knee must be better.


No, it's just my wool she's after.

Mr. Buddha is enjoying the afternoon rest.

So's Mrs. Buddha

Well, I've had a very pleasant lunch out and a very lazy afternoon. Actually it was very productive garden design wise, crochet wise, reading wise and listening to the radio wise as well as entertaining the cats wise. Must do it again when the sun is shining.


Saturday 16 April 2016

CS finds

Sherry glasses. This sherry glass is one of 6 which are all different colours of glass. Today I noticed that the sherry glass and the water sprayer matched my ...

CS dress which has splashes of green and blue running through the pattern.

My Handy Household Hints and Tips book was a CS cheapo and is one of those books which tries to tell you everything you need to know about running a house. Everything is so easy when it's written down and is never so in real life. This book, too, has colours that match my dress and my blanket.

The sun is shining, the sky is blue, the plants are a refreshing green, growing well,

I've drunk my sherry and all is well with my world. I hope it is in yours.


Friday 15 April 2016

Hidden corners

What's that behind the dressing table?

A necklace that has dropped down and large plain paper art books that are waiting for the paper to be used up.

What's that under the bed?

The dreaded weighing scales that weigh all wrong! Summer clothes that I hope to get out soon and a container for a spare duvet.

What's that between the wardrobe and the wall?

I've already fished out the Busted calendars and an old portrait from DD's college days plus the sweetie paper and tissue paper. There's still a tube to reach.

What's that under the loft bed? Why Lego, of course.

Not all Lego. There's an old patchwork quilt and some packing material and boxes that may come in handy.

I must clean behind and under things more often. Make a note!


PS Here's the poster that was rolled up at the side of the wardrobe. I fished it out with the aid of a coat hanger.

I've censored the last word!

Monday 11 April 2016

Sunday 10 April 2016

No, I can't do it

I've just spent the last half hour trawling through the hundreds of pictures I have on my computer, looking for relevant pics for the Hunt the Pic in September. I thought that this would be a way of culling some of the pictures but no, I can't do it. All of them bring some memory to mind and I'm not ready to let go yet.

Old photos, silly photos, family member photos, pictures of holidays, friends and special places were taken for a reason - to freeze time and to hold and remember happy, sad, wonderful or poignant moments and times.

What an enjoyable trip I've had - unproductive and productive at the same time. I've been back down Memory Lane and loved every minute of it. I must take some more pictures tomorrow to capture my days and I'll take another trip down Memory Lane again when I search for more relevant photos for the Hunt the Pic post.

These people have already signed up for joining in the Hunt but there's always room for more. 

  1. Love it, I'll join.
    Joy x x
  2. Sounds like fun, count me in.
  3. This sounds fun and I've some ideas already.
  4. Please may I join in......?
    Julie xxxxx
  5. I need to kick start my photography so count me in too X
  6. Ahhh now it all makes sense!! I e copied down this list so might just join in the fun!

Just add a comment on the Hunt the Pic post here or click on the Featured Post (new gadget!) on the right side bar. No need to go out and about to take pictures just stay on the computer and hunt through the ones, tens, hundreds or thousands that you already have!


Monday 4 April 2016

Every year ...

I buy primroses and keep them in the house while they flower and every year I plant them out in the garden when they've finished flowering.

Every year they get bigger ...

and bigger and put on a wonderful display between the rocks that edge the edible garden.

Every year the plants, bushes and trees start into growth. I always think that I've pruned my cordons just a little too fiercely but there is new growth all over.

Even the grape vine that was rescued from the Garden Place that was closing down (only £1) has started to bud.

Every year we plant a climber and every year the old climbers start to grow.

Every year I save the seed from my mange tout and every year, when they peep through the surface of the soil I know that my growing season has begun in earnest.

Even our new vine in the greenhouse is waking up.

All this growing reminds me of an old Sunday School song.

Baby Seed Song
By: Edith Nesbit

Little brown brother, oh! little brown brother, 
Are you awake in the dark? 
Here we lie cosily, close to each other: 
Hark to the song of the lark 
"Waken!" the lark says, "waken and dress you; 
Put on your green coats and gay, 
Blue sky will shine on you, sunshine caress you 
Waken! 'tis morning 'tis May!" 
Little brown brother, oh! little brown brother, 
What kind of a flower will you be? 
I'll be a poppy all white, like my mother; 
Do be a poppy like me. 
What! You're a sunflower! How I shall miss you 
When you're grown golden and high! 
But I shall send all the bees up to kiss you; 
Little brown brother, good-bye.
