Friday 30 August 2013

Bloggy Blanket Update

Peg has now completed her squares for the Bloggy Blanket Chain. Click on the BBC page to see her contribution and the squares from our latest helper. Wow that was the fastest turn around yet. Anyone else ready to receive the blanket and help increase its size?


Wednesday 28 August 2013

What time is it, Mr. Wolf?

It's time to go up the clock tower in the park.

Yeah - the tower isn't open very often but our little volunteer group were allowed a Heritage Tour of the park which included the chance to check out Blackpool's second tower. Hang on to the banister.

Up we go! (78 steps)

Each side of the tower faces a compass point. Here is the view to the North,

the East,

the South

and the West.

We even managed to sneak a peek at the back of the clock and ...

... the workings.

The tower will be open again on Thursday 12th September as part of the Heritage Open  Days Scheme.

Tuesday 27 August 2013

Nine to Five


What am I wearing?
Turqoise, pink, green and yellow tankini from the CS
What am I doing?
Where am I?
At the gym
What's the sky like?
Very blue with the sun shimmering on the water
What's motivating me?
Trying to get to the end of the lane without my tummy escaping from between the top and the bottom of the swimsuit!


What am I wearing?
Shorts and T-shirt
What am I doing?
Weeding between the leeks and the carrots and pulling the carrots up because they've all been eaten away by carrot root fly
Where am I?
In the garden
What's the sky like?
Still very blue and it's boiling hot

I'd really like to sit down for a while

What's motivating me?
The thought of bare soil between the veggies

I might sort out the mange tout seed.
Then again, I might not!


What am I wearing?
Shorts and T-shirt
What am I doing?
Eating tea
Where am I?
In the back room

The peppers behind me are coming on
nicely. The plants were 50p from the car
boot sale.

What's the sky like?
Still vey blue and still boiling hot
What's motivating me?
The thought of eating home grown cucumber, tomato and sweetcorn

The corn is as high as an elephant's


Monday 26 August 2013


The next book on my pile to read was this one. I was into it a little way when I noticed that it was written by the same author as the last book I read.

Now this one was much better than the last. Granted, parts of it were still unbelievable but it was highly readable and not 'fluffy' at all!


Sunday 25 August 2013

View from my window

I took the view twice and was going to choose just one of the pictures to post but then ...

I thought I'd show you the the changing Tower lights. They change colour regularly. I have my own illuminations from our loft window.


A very warm welcome to another new follower. Happy browsing.

Saturday 24 August 2013

Time Machine

I've had home videos, taken about 25 years ago, put onto DVDs and am now spending part of my 'me' time watching these old movies.

Home, family, friends.

Magical moments.


Welcome to my new follower. I hope you enjoy your visits.

Thursday 22 August 2013

Merlin Magic

My Merlin Annual Pass is not only for entry to the Tower Ballroom but also for free entry in to other Merlin attractions, so one of my dancing friends and I went to the Circus this week. The Circus is situated directly beneath the tower and the tower 'legs' can be seen surrounding the circus ring. No pictures were allowed to be taken of the acts (no animals here) but I sneaked in a few before the performance and during the interval. The Circus is as elaborately decorated as the Ballroom.

During the interval children could go down to the ring to have their face painted - for a cost, of course,

or to buy souvenirs.

The circus ring was smaller than I remembered since my last visit - hmm, hmm, hmm years ago when I was little and I'm sad to say that the water finale was not as spectacular as I remember either. :(

The acts were good but not great and the same acrobats seemed to return for different routines. Acrobats, clowns, acrobats, clowns  - not much variety really. I mustn't moan - the tiles around the area were the most spectacular!

I feel a crocheted square coming on!

Pusscat is loving his new bed.


Tuesday 20 August 2013

A little bit of fluff

This one was a fluffy one - it even had fluffy clouds on the cover.

I think the author was in need of a de-fluff as the story was far-fetched, unbelievable, unconvincing and unrealistic (Thesauruses are great aren't they?). I did read it to the end - silly me!

There's fluff all over the floor at the moment as I'm crocheting another cat bed. The two puss cats keep trying to settle together in the one bed. Two into one won't go!


The first

Was this the first tomato?

Or this one?

Or one of these?

This one, I think! Slice it in two and there's half for DH and half for me.

Does anyone else have a ceremonial eating of the first tomato? 


Welcome to my new follower - enjoy your read.

Friday 16 August 2013

Something old,

(This dog-eared book has been leafed through many times.)

something new, (Let's try a 'new to me' author.)

something borrowed, (The book was borrowed from DD who, in turn, had borrowed it from one of her friends.)

something blue. (There's blue on the cover and the story is set in Crete where the days are warm and the skies are blue.)

I'm far from blue, having read the book, as it is a fabulous read from start to finish.


PS I read a 'new' word - susurration and I now know what it means!
PPS Welcome to another new follower. Thank you for popping by.

Thursday 15 August 2013


Here's lunch.

My first bunch of grapes seem to be ready earlier than last year's. I thought that my growing season was running at least a month later than normal. Never mind - a bunch a day for me for the next few months - yeah!

Hello and welcome to my new follower. I hope you enjoy your visits.


Monday 12 August 2013

New Home

Another new home, another new card.

This card isn't for the cats, of course, but a new neighbour.


Saturday 10 August 2013

Keep it simple

Cats simply have to find the comfiest place to sleep. Remember this fabric? Yip yip? Jeanne from Keep It Simple blog wrote a post on making pet beds by re-using garments. Simple and eco-friendly - just up my street.

It did not take long to crochet (but it took quite a while to cut up into a long strip) and the first puss-cat was in even before it was finished.

The other puss-cat of course needed to try out the new bed.

Jeanne, it's been so successful that I'm going to have to crochet a second bed to keep both cats happy!


PS Peg, have you been contacted by Fran re the blanket?

Thursday 8 August 2013

Bloggy Blanket Chain update

Peg from Blondie UK's Stitching room has been in touch and has showcased her 8 bloggy squares on her post today. She's added these to the Bloggy Blanket and so a new destination is now sought. This blanket needs a wonderful, caring, crocheter or knitter to help it grow bigger. To view her squares click on the above link or look at the Bloggy Blanket Chain page. Now who would like to nurture this blanket and help bring it to maturity or shall we leave it small and just add a border to make it a lap blanket? Full size or small? It all depends on the 'creative bloggers' out there. Blondie, if we don't hear from anyone in the next fortnight get in touch and the blanket can be sent back to me to add a border and find it a new home.

Here's hoping there are a few more volunteers to keep this blanket out there. Even if you can only add one square your help would be appreciated.

Thank you to all who sent me 'get well' wishes. I'm nearly back to normal. (If I was ever normal in the first place!)


Tuesday 6 August 2013

Hey ho

Poorly sick and can't eat pud
Wish brick in tum would go away
Head is aching, hot and bothered
Been asleep today!


Sunday 4 August 2013


I've been making smoothies with some of our homegrown fruit plus bought fruit. These blackcurrants are ready now.

I added them to cucumber, banana, grapes, satsumas and a little orange juice. Hmm! Delish.

This one had cranberry juice, blackcurrants, banana, watermelon, oats and strawberries.

I put small bowlfuls into the freezer for a while and they made an ice-creamy dessert.

I didn't use the wild strawberries from the front garden - just a little on the tiny side!

Please excuse the grotty feet - flip flop time, you know.


PS Hi to Kearnygirl - I've replied to your comment on the last post.

Saturday 3 August 2013

Not my cup of tea

I'm sure that the individual stories of each chapter combined to make sense of the overall plot but I kept forgetting who was who. I've never 'gelled' with other stories by this author so I think I'll call it a day for reading any more of her books.

I don't think it helped that I had 4 other books on the go as well as this one!

Friday 2 August 2013

Ups and Downs

Up and away ...

to Germany ...

for DS's wedding ...

in a country garden.

Successfully wed.

Away home ...

and down to DD, poorly sick and can't eat puddin' but the operation was successful and now she's home again and on the mend.

This has been a bitter sweet year. Ups and downs but we all got there in the end. Thank goodness.

Here's the latest 'down'.
