Sunday 27 April 2014

Reminder for Mum's Virtual Spring Fair


Mum's Virtual Spring Fair

will take place on:-

Saturday 3rd May

Stalls will be open all day but will have various opening times depending on when our Spring Fair Heroines set up their stalls/posts.

Please read here for more details.

There's plenty of room for more virtual stalls so if you wish to join in and be a Spring Fair Heroine please let me know via the comments and I'll add you to the list.

PS Thank you to everyone who commented on the last post. I had a great time reading your answers.


Friday 25 April 2014

Alphabet Blogging - N

N is for Now

Please answer the following questions.

1. What time is it?
2. Where are you?
3. Who is with you?
4. What is the weather like?
5. What can you hear?
6. How are you feeling?
7. What is/was one of your aims for today?

Now I'd like to thank you for reading this post and answering the questions (I hope you've left a copy in the comments.) They weren't too hard, were they? 

Nosey me!

Now for more Alphabet Blogging please follow the links below.

Friday 18 April 2014

Alphabet Blogging - O

O is for 'Oh my!'

Just look at it - looks like a bomb's hit the place. This is first thing in the morning with supper plates and breakfast dishes ready to be loaded into the dishwasher. The rubbish is waiting to be put out and the floor's a mess. Oh my!

What are mum's for? That's better.

Oh my! The grape vine is going great guns.

I need to train some of those side shoots and cut off the ones that aren't needed.

Oh my just look at that. The mange tout are poking their heads out of the soil. My little plot is starting to produce.

Please visit the other Alphabet Bloggers by clicking on the links and please join in if you would like. Next week's letter is N as we are going backwards in the alphabet.


Thursday 17 April 2014

Me time

… for the cat

… and for me.

A very warm welcome to my newest follower. I think I have managed to visit all the followers who have an up to date blog that I am able to reach from the followers list. There are quite a few followers who have no blogs at all and many whose blogs have lapsed. If I have missed visiting you please leave a comment and I shall call in and say hello. Thank you to all of you who comment, follow and read this blog. I hope you enjoy visiting from time to time.


Tuesday 15 April 2014

For Cheryl (and any other interested persons)

I designed the kitchen way back in 2008 - I know this because I found the plans while I've been tidying. I used the Ikea Kitchen Planner.

Kitchen cupboards and appliances can be moved around to see if they will fit in to a room.

I even wrote on what I wanted to put in the cupboards!

These pics are looking upwards in the kitchen.

The cupboard contents are not the same as on the plans.

The old bottles were bought for 50p each.

The Le Creuset pans cost £30 at a car boot sale.

My climbing plant still wanders about on the shelves.

The shelves have to be washed down quite regularly as they attract dust. There are teasels in the 70s vase. The fondu set was a wedding present. We've never used it.

Hope you enjoyed the tour. I'll take you on a base cupboard tour some day. Hey wow!


Monday 14 April 2014

Kitchen Window - March and April 2014

Whoops, I forgot March!

Here's April - not much difference apart from a different bunch of daffy and some lettuce.

Spring months.


Sunday 13 April 2014

Storing homemade bread

I store my home baked bread in an ordinary plastic carrier bag. I twist the top or clip it and then that bag goes into ...

… a cotton bag as I don't have a bread bin. (I don't particularly want a bread bin.)

The bag just hangs on one of the hooks in the kitchen. The other cotton bag holds clothes pegs.

One of my loaves lasts two of us 2 to 3 days.


Saturday 12 April 2014

To do list

This was my mental list for today.

1. Pick up litter from the front garden. (Litter from the main road blows in under the gate and decorates the borders.)

2. Weed the street side of the front wall. ( Grass is sprouting between the wall and the pavement and looks an eyesore. I can do my little bit but I can't do the whole street.)

3. Bake bread for the week.

4. Tidy up - sweep and wipe kitchen floor. Clear up after the cats.

5. Take the cats a walk.

6. Hoe a bit of the garden while the cats are out.

7. Make a meat and potato pie. (I had a sort of menu plan this week.)

*Brown some pork shoulder steak cut into cubes.
*Brown 2 onions.
*Put in casserole with stock cube stock, a shake of Worcester sauce, and some mixed herbs.
*Stew on the hob for an hour then add 4 sliced carrots, some mushrooms and sliced up potatoes.
*Stew for another half hour while making pastry. (Half fat to flour and a pinch of salt.) I used 8 oz flour, 2 oz lard, 2 oz butter. Bind together with a splash of cold water.
*Put stew in casserole dish and top with pastry.
*Bake in the oven for about 20 to 25 minutes.

8. Take a piece of furniture down to DD's.

9. Do 2 loads of washing and dry it.

10. Walk down the road and post a parcel. (Call in the CS on the way back.)

This is my list now.

1. Pick up litter from the front garden.

2. Weed the street side of the front wall.

3. Bake bread for the week.

4. Tidy up - sweep and wipe kitchen floor. Clear up after the cats.

5. Take the cats a walk.

6. Hoe a bit of the garden while the cats are out.

7. Make a meat and potato pie.

8. Take a piece of furniture down to DD's.

9. Do 2 loads of washing and dry it.

10. Walk down the road and post a parcel. (Call in the CS on the way back.)

Jobs done. Relax time.


Friday 11 April 2014

Alphabet Blogging - P




P is for Plenty to Do and not much computer time.

Life the Universe and Everything is taking over with one thing following swiftly on the heels of another. I'm behind with reading, knitting, crocheting, cleaning, cat cuddling, gardening and blogging and hoping life will slow down soon.

I'll be back Post Haste.

Please visit the other Alphabet Bloggers by clicking on the links and please join in if you would like. Next week's letter is P as we are going backwards in the alphabet.


Monday 7 April 2014

List 52 - Week 14

I'm joining in with Dreamer's 52 list and am choosing small tasks that I've been avoiding and would like to do/finish. My list is written in my organiser and I hope this will give me a kick up the backside and spur me on. My fourteenth week task is:

14. Finish tidying those shelves.

I've been tidying things and moving things for weeks and now I've decided that they look an awful lot better. They will always be a WIP but now I'm keeping on top of them. Do you like my new storage boxes?

This week I've also planted the mange tout. The weather is warming up now and the time to plant feels right.


Friday 4 April 2014

Alphabet Blogging - Q

Q is for Quiet

Be quiet
Be quiet and listen ...
Be quiet and watch ...
Be quiet and touch ...
Be quiet and walk ...
Be quiet and lie ...
Be quiet 

Finish the lines in anyway you wish. Here's one example.

Be quiet

Be quiet and listen to the birds singing in the trees, so glad to be alive.

Be quiet and watch the gentle flowing of the river, the water glinting in the sunlight.

Be quiet and touch the warm fur of the cat sitting on your lap.

Be quiet and take a walk marvelling at Nature's beauty.

Be quiet and lie cosy and snug in your own bed.

Be quiet

Please visit the other Alphabet Bloggers by clicking on the links and please join in if you would like. Next week's letter is P as we are going backwards in the alphabet.
