Thursday 31 October 2013

Chorley Group Fiat Rally

This rally for charity took a long line of Fiats, including DD's through the Blackpool Illuminations.

Try keeping about 50 cars in one line without breaking them up! It took some manoeuvring.

The weather was fine so the top came down and we waved our garage flag proudly.

We also waved our light wands!

The 2012 blanket number 1 came in handy.

The Lights attract thousands of visitors ...

... and are a wonderful spectacle but it takes ages to crawl through them all.


Wednesday 30 October 2013

Kitchen Window - October 2013

Fresias to remember mum and ...

'mums to remember dad.

Vase is my favourite.

Conkers because you have to pick them up and give them a good home.


Tuesday 29 October 2013

Crocheted handkerchief case and a crochet edging for a handkerchief

Here's my version of Grandma's handkerchief case which is basically 2 experimental granny rounds joined together with a dc and reverse dc border.

the front

the back

Leave a gap at the top for the opening.

with handkerchief

And here's another little pressie for Grandma-in-law. At the wedding she proudly showed me her crochet edged handkerchief and I couldn't get over how fine her work was. (Is that a proper sentence?) I just had to have a go myself, so with the crochet cotton and a 1mm hook this time, I tackled a square of cotton cut out of a napkin (serviette). Following a Youtube video I rolled the edge of the cotton and dc'd all the way round. My next round was also UK dc with 3 dc in the corners and on the 3rd round I did a half treble chain 1 with 3 half trebles in the corners.

Another round of dc's followed with a final round of reverse dc's. My first round is a bit skew whiff and the border pulls slightly but I'm hoping that a wash, a stretch and an iron will even it out. If it doesn't it's 'in the bin'!


Monday 28 October 2013

Thank you

A huge


to everyone who participated in the 2013 Tea Party. I hope you enjoyed visiting each other's blogs and have made some new virtual friends. I had a wonderful time reading all your posts and I have some new recipes to try.

Our next big 'do' will be a Spring Fair next year. The list is open now, (while we're still on a roll)!!!!!

PS Here's one visitor I've added to the list.


Sunday 27 October 2013

Mum's Virtual Tea Party 2013

Oh gosh, visitors are coming by. I need to have everything ready. Now which teapot should we use? The everyday one?

The Deco style one?

The thirties one?

Or the extra large one for group use. We may have many visitors to this tea party so this might be the one?

Now which china should we use? This Triillium is my favourite.

Or what about the Old Rose design?

Our cakes could go on Grandma's old plate or ...

the wooden platter made (whittled) for me by a friend, out of witch elm burr.

I asked for a bowl made out of a gnarled piece of wood and he came up with the goods.

Sandwiches -  standard stuff or something a bit different? I don't want people to leave them because they don't like the filling. 
banana and sugar - nah!
Marmite - nah, too controversial
cucumber - nah, as above
red onion and cream cheese - possibly
egg and cress - old favourite
tomato - perhaps, we've certainly got lots in the greenhouse.

Herehere and here are some variations on the tomato sandwich.

Nearly there, just got my nails to do.

It's a good job we've got help today so let's sit back and relax and visit these blogs for more tea party inspiration. If their post is not up yet do go back later. You won't be disappointed.

Joy - Prepare to be dazzled!

Johnny jumps up - Stay awhile for the entertainment. Plenty to eat aswell plus question to test your skills.

Jane and Chris - Wow, what a spread. There's something for everyone here.

Bad Penny - Don't forget your hat if you visit here.

Pam - Plenty to eat here. I'm getting full now, plus I've scrounged the recipe for Norfolk shortcake. Yeah!

Joanne - All her sarnies have gone but there's still some delectables left. Hurry over and admire the Fall theme.

Feather Duster - I do hope you've made some new friends here in the Virtual World. Happy Birthday for tomorrow.

Jill - drink your wine and view beautiful pictures

Cathy - I'm learning a lot here.

Carol - Oh the cake, hmmm! And there's a recipe to make your own.

Emma and Pam I know you don't have your own blogs but hi there, hope you're both having a wonderful time.

Shiela, I hope your moving is going well and that you've had enough time to pop in to sample all the delights.

Anne - Have you had your cake and a cuppa yet?

Gladys  - Hope you've got your glad-rags on, this is a posh 'do'. How do you eat your chocolate teacake?

Amanda - This is a tea party with a difference. I love variety.

Gram - Thank you so much for arranging tea. Tell Miss Phitt she looks lovely.

I'm so glad you could call by today. Hope you've enjoyed your virtual tea and I really hope you've made some new acquaintances. To all who have visited thank you so much for your participation. My bloggy friends - you're just the greatest!


Saturday 26 October 2013

All set?

... for the tea party tomorrow?

Feather Duster

Have I missed anybody?

Oooooooh! Can't wait. See you there.


Friday 25 October 2013

Universal language

She couldn't speak a word of English yet we were able to communicate in oohs and aahs when I saw her with her crocheted handkerchief case. She brought out of it a handkerchief with a beautifully crocheted border - done with fine cotton and a 2mm hook. Here' someone crocheting a similar border.

I showed her pictures of my simple pieces and the oohs and aahs continued with smiles and nods. This grandma, later in the evening was then wheeled over to me by her son and very kindly, indicated that she wanted me to have her handkerchief case because I had admired it so. I couldn't refuse, could I?

Grandma, I've crocheted a little present, just for you. I dug out my stash of fine cotton yarn and a 1.75mm hook; I 'borrowed' DH's magnifying specs and crocheted this bookmark for you. I found a link to the pattern on one of the blogs I read. (Please say if it's yours and then I can link to you - I've searched high and low for it again and cannot find it.) It's basically 4 granny squares edged with UK doubles.

I will try to make you another handkerchief case to replace the one you gave me.

And I will try to send it to you for Christmas.

Happy Hooking and thank you for introducing me to your fine, very fine crochet work.

Tuesday 22 October 2013

Round and round

The trouble with going round the edge is that certain members of the family love to help.

Now, cosy though it is, it makes it very awkward when turning a corner because the whole blanket has to be turned 90 degrees. Puss gets hauled round with the blanket.

Am I soft, or what!

Oooh oh, here comes the other one.


Monday 21 October 2013

Old and rusty but not useless

DH found this in the garage (where things that might come in handy are stored) and brought it in to the house. It may be old and rusty but it comes in very handy for opening bottles and it brings back memories too.

Here's another old and rusty item, which must have been very useful to someone at sometime. It's useful as an ornament on the dresser now. It will 'last' for ages.

This horseshoe, which was in the garden when we bought the house, is still very useful in that it catches all the good luck that passes by! It lives in the greenhouse.


Saturday 19 October 2013

8 days to go

Just over a week to go and here's the list so far.

Feather Duster

Hey, that's 15 participants. Please let me know if I've not got you on the list and I'll add your name. If you are unsure of what to post, below are links to our previous Tea Parties. You will find the posts many and varied. Everyone visits everyone else on Tea Party day and hopefully has a really good time, sampling virtual delights. Click on the Virtual Tea Party label at the side to see how these parties develop. If you've not read the invite please click on the picture above or in the side bar.

I notice that the first party was a Vintage Tea Party -  and that these Tea Parties started with just one comment on a post (from Edith Florence - who has not posted much this year). I hope you are reading this Edith and would like to join in this year if you can, either reading or doing a post for us.

I hope the weather will be fine for us - it's been alternating sun and rain here this week.

The road looked like a river today and the back patio looked like a lake pond!


Thursday 17 October 2013

Just been practising ...

... with a plastic cup.

And I can now play along!


Tuesday 15 October 2013

Jolly jolly

An hour of live music, we were expecting to listen to a string quartet but 16 string players turned up. What kind of 'tet' is that?

It was a jolly jolly with the added bonus of listening with 4 other friends.

A definite highlight of the week. Perhaps they could play at our Virtual Tea Party!


Edit: sedectet?

Monday 14 October 2013

Nine to Five


What am I wearing?
Maroon patterned swimsuit given to me by a friend. It holds up by itself - no straps!! Oooh!
What am I doing?
Where am I?
At the gym
What's the sky like?
Very blue with the sun shimmering on the water
What's motivating me?
An aim of doing each length a different way - swim stroke, walking forwards and backwards, swishing the water different ways (the sun makes the bubbles sparkle), trying to run in the water.


What am I wearing?
Jeans, black, thin jumper, flip flops
What am I doing?
Drinking what is supposed to be a real ale  - Steeplejack*, giving up on that one because it tasted .... no it didn't taste at all, and trying I.P.A., which was as awful as the first drink. Both drinks tasted as though they were watered down.
Where am I?
A pub which we will never go in again.
What's the sky like?
Still very blue, a few clouds and quite warm.
What's motivating me?
It was the prospect of walking down to the pub with DH, having a couple of beers and then walking home again. It was just the latter after we'd tasted the beer!


What am I wearing?
Slob about long black dress
What am I doing?
Eating tea
Where am I?
In the back room
What's the sky like?
It's clouded over some more and it is beginning to feel chilly.
What's motivating me?
Demolishing my lasagne - make from the slosh of yesterday's chicken casserole (minus chicken which DH had with his yesterday's casserole), a few added veg, cheese sauce and home-made - yes home-made lasagne. (Dreamer - are you proud of me? Ooh and yesterday I had ribbon pasta with my chicken cass!)

* I don't know which brewery it was from  - I've found a couple that make Steeplejack. It was probably the last in the barrel as the publican took the beer off and started to wash the beer lines after we'd bought our drinks. I've had I.P.A. before and it was certainly better than the one we had today.


PS I've had one more person wanting to join in the Tea Party. Yeah!

Only under a couple of weeks to go.


Thursday 10 October 2013