Tuesday 17 February 2015

I planted a tree today. It's only a 5 foot stick at the moment but it should grow into this.

It's a Pride of India or Golden Rain tree with flowers that look like this.

And seed pods that look like this.

It will eventually grow into this.

We spotted these trees in Dresden in Germany and thought they were beautiful. It will be some time before our tree will be as big as the one above but I hope we'll see some of the flowers and seed heads once the tree is established.

The tree is taking the place of the one we had to cut down last year which was getting far too big and sending suckers up all over the lawn.

The tomato seeds that we planted in pots are now emerging. 

We won't need them all but isn't it funny that we find it really difficult to throw the 'extra' ones away. DD potted all his up last year and gave away a 'million' and potted up a 'million'.

The 'edible' back garden has now been rotovated and the pea trellises put up in readiness for planting. Potatoes are chitting and seeds have been sorted. All is ready for the great plant when the weather gets a little warmer.

A very warm welcome to my new follower.


PS  (The computer didn't like the word 'chitting' and wanted to put 'chatting'. I don't think my seed potatoes are chatting to each other. I wonder what they'd say if they were?  "I've got my eye on you!" "Let's get mashed!")


  1. You are up to date with your seeds, I do have some in the greenhouse, the rest are still in the seed tin. I shall have to crack on. That tree is lovely but I have fruiting trees, I get blossom to look at and then lots of fruit.

  2. We have almost a foot of snow here, so no tree planting yet. Yours will be beautiful. I have seen them, but not the seed pods, They look like hearts!

  3. Lovely looking tree, something to watch over the years.

  4. well you never know they could be chattering to one another about when they will be put outside?

  5. Seed planting is on the to-do list for this weekend, I do chat to my plants but who knows if they chat to each other!

    Looking forward to tree updates, the seed pods and flowers are both lovely.


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