Thursday, 28 June 2012

Tripping the light fantastic

I did, I did but before I went I called in at Grundy Art Gallery and saw the light!

These lamp shades were made by John Ditchfield  - a local Master Glassblower - especially for the Art Gallery.

I certainly 'perspired' today!


  1. Wow, that brings back memories: I once performed at the Grundy Art Gallery, back in the days when they did music recitals, for all I know, they still do. I am a big fan of John Ditchfield, I have one of his glass apples and I bought my mum a glass mushroom for her 70th birthday. It's a pleasure to call in at his workshop, have you been?

    1. The one day I did visit it was closed. We have one of his earlier vases and bowls from in the days when he was just starting out. I went to one recital at the Grundy when a friend of mine was playing her flute.

  2. They're nice! Very unusual. I like the palm tree one and the top one, very art deco.
    It was rather hot today wasn't it? Very humid.

  3. It looks like a wonderful exhibition. I love the palm trees.

  4. What a talented man, those are marvellous.


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