Friday, 2 March 2012

Committee Time for the Virtual Spring Fair

Please read yesterday's post before you read this, otherwise you'll wonder what on earth is going on.

I've already scribbled some notes on the Agenda. Please add other ideas in the comments.

Edited to include more volunteers. Yeah!!



KC'sCourt (thank you so much for the wool - just the job)
and me 
plus anyone else who is interested in playing

Apologies - none

Organisation of Fair
Homemade - A Blessed Life from Serendipity, Rain ... and Roses
Home Baking Dreamer from Dreaming of a Simple Life
Plants - Anne from Azza's Blather
Bric a Brac? - Anne from Azza's Blather
Manicure/Nail - Willow92 from Willows World
? - Green Flag from Green is the New Black v2
Sewing  - Sarah from The Little Family of Three



Date of Fair 31/03/12

A.O.B  ?

Date of Next Meeting - whenever the fancy takes us!


  1. Hi Mum
    I will do a baking post for the fair :)

  2. I could always do a manicure/nail stall? I can post a pic of all my nail varnishes and show pics of me wearing them. That's about the best I can do for now ^-^

  3. I've started to get my little plants together and I've decided that all funds I make from my stall or stalls will go to my favourite charity, which is "The Princess Anne Retirement Home for Bewildered Bloggers" So I hope everyone will buy my goods and support this very worthy cause. You never know when YOU may need this support!

  4. I've never participated in a spring fair. Can I attend this one and then join in next time? :-)

  5. Looks like I better get cracking..looking forward to it very much...


Thank you for your comments. it's always exciting reading them.