Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Where is it?

Where is the hole for the thread on a sewing machine needle? I can't see it. I know it's there somewhere and when I feel for it and try to put the needle threader through it's definitely there. Mind you it takes me a while to locate it. 

And where is the hole for putting the thread through on the needle threader once it's through the needle hole? I can't see it. I know it's there somewhere because a needle threader is supposed to make threading the needle easier. It takes me another while to hit the hole with the thread.

And why does the thread always get in a tangle when I use the machine and pull the thread out of the hole? Is there a conspiracy somewhere?

One hour later (instead of 10  minutes) I finished the 2 cushion covers made from recycled clothes. I shall use the machine that has a light on next time (not the hand driven Singer) and borrow DH's glasses.



  1. I am a bit like that with threading, I wear glasses for reading and the computer, but my eyes are getting worse with age, I love your cushions they look nice and snuggly, x

  2. I agree the needle holes are getting smaller and smaller!!

  3. I share your pain - and I'm wearing my glasses lol

  4. Yep ..... The hole for the thread in any kind of needle vanished (for me) about 5 years ago :-(

  5. Oh dear I know that feeling!
    Julie xxxxxxxxx

  6. Lovely cushions, I brought a sewing machine with a needle threader, makes sewing a whole lot better.

  7. I love the cushions. Reading your fun and games threading the needle just made me want to send you a hug.


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