Saturday, 25 March 2017


Time to plant the mange tout seeds today as the weather is fine and it's quite warm. The seeds were saved from last year and I've still got plenty over. Beetroot and lettuce will be planted tomorrow with potatoes going in on Good Friday.

I had to pull some more crochet back today as I'd skipped a stitch and ended up with a narrower strip for my checked cot blanket. Grr!

I've resumed swimming, dancing and walking so almost back to normal now. I'm back at the CS on one afternoon a week and it's good to be back 'playing shop'.

DD is taking DH and me out to lunch on Monday. Lucky us.

Whenever I put fresh sheets on the bed the cat comes and helps. She also helps when I mop the floor by putting paw prints on the drying tiles.

The dog that poos outside our front gate seems to have stopped for a while, thank goodness.

We're trying to eat up the freezer as it's in dire need of defrosting. We'll be eating fish, steak and chicken pieces for the foreseeable future with ice cream for afters. I need to pluck up courage and use some of the items I've been avoiding each time I open the door.

Spring and summer clothes are coming out now the weather is warming up. I've pulled some clothes out from under the bed and put some winter stuff away. Flip flop time is here - yeah!

I've not been posting for a while - still gathering momentum. Must try harder.

Buds are appearing on all the climbing plants and leaves are starting to grow on the apple, plum and pear trees. The grape vines are springing to life too.

Food for thought - if I've been typing snippets then have I been snipping or snippeting. I could have been sniping maybe?

Enough snippets snippeted now. Or could it be - enough snippets snoped?



  1. I love this time of year so full of promise.

  2. My freezer needs defrosting too, I'll get around to it eventually.

  3. Just you take it steady Supermum.x

  4. Two of my cats like to help make the bed! Takes longer but it's so much fun!

  5. Working through the freezers here as well. I seem to forget there are only two of us.

    It was nice and warm here today, the snow is slowly but surely disappearing and I am loving it mud and all.

    God bless.

  6. I'm the same with the freezer, not taking out certain items. Glad to here you are getting back to doing the things you enjoy :) xx


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