Monday, 15 December 2014

Mum's Advent Calendar 15, Days Left 10

Hang me up!

Now has FC arrived early? I think he's nearly packed everything - I hope he's not forgotten anyone.

I've not bought any wrapping paper this year and quite a few of the presents are in 'recycled' present bags or glitzy material with odd baubles and ribbons for decoration.

There's plenty of room for more around the base of the tree. I wonder if he'll call again.



  1. Santa's little helper has been busy
    Julie xxxxxxx

  2. The tree and presents look wonderful! That's certainly my kind of packing, re-cycling, I always do that! Suzy x

  3. We are getting right in the mood now, more and more pressies are arriving.

  4. Struggling to find any of the stockings! But really enjoying being involved with your lovely Christmas preparations.

  5. I have not found the stockings in the last couple of days so a squeal of delight was heard when I spotted today's! We've a few pressies under the tree too, the one's that land early and need somewhere to wait. Cats think that this gives the tree added appeal - more things to play with and bounce on!

  6. I love the gift wrap. I have simply stacks of bottle bags that I refuse to throw away (hubby gets a lot of bottle shaped gifts from work), but I never seem to give bottle shaped gifts. Perhaps next year I should make an effort to give bottle shaped gifts to all my recipients and use up some of my bottle bag stash. In the meantime I'll stick with brown paper and newspaper jazzed up with ribbons.


Thank you for your comments. it's always exciting reading them.