I had on my To Do list in my Filofax to hoe the back garden. The weather is blustery and overcast but quite warm so I've managed to hoe, hoe, hoe all the little weeds that zoom up after rain. More strawberries are ready so it looks like another batch of strawberry jam to be made. (Stress, stress!) I've kept a few back to make a fruit salad. While out I thought I'd take a few a lot of pictures of our Edible Back Garden.
This is spinach, I think. I'm eating it anyway.
The parsnips are turning into trees at the top.
The leeks are struggling a bit in the bed that had the asparagus. We've dug all the asparagus out as it did not produce enough to warrant space in the garden.
We're wading through the potatoes. They'll soon be main crop ones rather than earlies at the rate we're going.
The runner beans are climbing well up their wigwam.
The Basil in the greenhouse is looking lush.
Tomatoes are growing bigger. I'm just waiting for the first red one - hmmm!
Straight cucumbers - I could supply the supermarkets, couldn't I?
Many bunches of grapes no where near ready yet but a promise of deliciousness to come.
I'll be harvesting the mange tout seeds tomorrow and taking this lot down.
Flowers around the big beds provide colour.
And the corn is nearly as high as an elephant's eye.
Courgettes have started producing.
I couldn't resist this plant from Liddle-iddle.
Climbers are climbing.
And this ornamental grass from the front garden looks like the top of someone's head.
All is growing well.