Since the kitchen was redecorated I've not put anything on the window sill so I don't damage or scratch the paint. There is only a hanging clay pot containing an 'odd' plant. So no
Kitchen Window display now.
The decoration has now transferred to the wall opposite the
kitchen window. The view underneath the cupboards is always changing as was the kitchen window view.
I've used white storage boxes in the cupboards for ease of accessing all the contents. Today I took down this box ...
to help me with the making of Mum's Savoury Mince.
There are many ways of making savoury mince - this is mine using onions, garlic, carrots, courgette, mushrooms, chopped tomatoes and of course - mince.
All the ingredients at the ready here with some additions of stock, Worcester sauce, oregano and gravy granules.
The mince, garlic and onions were fried up first and then added to a pan of tinned chopped tomatoes, stock, mushrooms etc.. This concoction was boiled and simmered for about 40 minutes along with the Worcester sauce and oregano. I don't add any extra salt or pepper but I did add a glug of soy sauce.
Here's the pot ready to start cooking.
The cooked savoury mince yielded quite a few portions and 2 large containers of it have been put in the freezer for another day. Today I had my savoury mince with boiled potatoes and tomorrow I'll spice it up more with a bit of chilli powder and flakes and serve it over rice.
The compost heap took care of the peelings and kitchen roll which was used to wipe out the wok.