Thursday, 28 February 2013

Guided Tour - Part 4

These shelves don't get any tidier. I  keep moving things around to get to other things and they end up untidy again. You may have seen some of these items before such as the Keep calm and carry yarn postcard and the wedding columns. Behind the picture frames are books and music.

This one was a present from another cat lover.

This one I bought at a car boot sale years ago.

I'm afraid I'm not good at deciphering theses Magic Eye pictures. You're supposed to see a picture in 3D if you put the picture to your nose and then gradually take it away focussing on a point behind the picture.

Not a chance!

Do you remember games with string? Cat's Cradle, The Eiffel Tower, Bow Tie?

Another cubbie holds sewing paraphernalia - all manner of bits and pieces. My sewing threads are elsewhere. They wouldn't fit in the basket. There are some cross stitch patterns in there aswell. Will I ever start finish them?

I should really tidy up. Ah well, back to my crocheting!!!


Whoops, a follower appeared and then disappeared. Perhaps they don't like playing Lego.


  1. I can never see the 3d picture neither Mum no matter how long I stare at it xxx

  2. Lol,I have every nook and crannie looking like thatbut I am working on it! lol slowly....very slowly...funny that happens to me with followers numbers they are there one day and gone the next,think it is a blogger hing.

  3. I could never see anything in those Magic Eye pictures!!!

  4. Oh Mum , I just adore your blog , makes me smile all the time

    Bev xx

  5. I could never see the magic eye pictures either. My husband can.
    All my surfaces appear to look like you shelves. Far too much stuff we have but I'm slowly working on it this year.

  6. I can't see those magic eye pictures either. :)

  7. I can't see those magic eye pictures either. I used to love playing cats cradle, I taught Eleanor when she was younger, I wonder if she still remembers. We'll have to have a go when she gets home from school.

  8. I really used to enjoy those magic eye pictures.Havent seen any for ages though. I could always see the pictures but must have looked very cross eyed thinking about it now!

  9. About 10 years ago someone donated a big stack of those magic eye pictures to the charity shop I managed. We were packed out all day with people staring at them - they were a good sales ploy, folk must have felt guilty for staring at the pictures so they all bought something. Happy days!


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