Sunday, 24 February 2013

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

The Good

I'm saving the cost of petrol by walking to the supermarket with my trusty trolley, giving myself plenty of fresh air and exercise. (The full trolley plus full bag = weight training!)

The Bad

No lovely pics of countryside, flowers or gorgeous views today. Why throw your litter on the pavement? Why not take it home? It's litter galore along the roads around here.

Another sight that is plentiful is featured below. I could have taken a score or more pics of this bad behaviour. (Not the dog, of course, but the owner.)

The Ugly

Empty shops are a sign of the times but they don't enhance the surroundings.

Neither does grafitti.

The pavements are a disgrace with pot-holes, cracked slabs and botched repairs.

This was a necessary walk but not a particularly pleasant one. I thought I'd take the grotty shots on the way to the shop and then take some pretty shots on the way back. Sorry, but even I could not find any today. I've neglected to mention the tramp who was staggering slightly and the dreadful state of some people's gardens. 

After packing away the shopping, I filled a carrier bag full of litter which I picked up in our front garden. It blows in from off the street - cigarette wrappers, chocolate, crisp and toffee wrappers, polystyrene (!), plastic bags and plastic bottles. (This one was half full of cider!)

Never mind, my garden is tidy now, the brass is polished on the front door and the step and windowsills washed, a pot roast is slow cooking in the oven and we have food for the week.

A warm welcome to my new followers. I'm not negative for too long!



  1. Sad, isn't it, to see evidence of a lackadaisical attitude to litter. Just remember, every time you pick up some, someone is watching you and will learn from your example :)

  2. Here, here, I sympathise with your views and may I please add another one. Spitting in the street. I really dislike it and it is so unhygienic. Why not use a tissue or a toilet? I have to drag my puppy away from it all the time. It is truly horrible. I was pleased to read in the newspaper the other day that one borough in London are issuing fines to perpetrators. I can't wait until it happens here, but people will still do it I'm sure.

  3. I do so agree with you regarding litter.What happened to the campaign "Keep Britain Tidy'?

  4. Don't get me started on dog dirt, I think I've noticed it even more since I've had a dog myself. Archie is walked away from pavements, and if he gets caught short on his way to a field, he pulls in to the gutter to do the deed. I know I'm lucky to be able to walk him on quiet roads for him to be able to do this, but really, how long does it take to pick it up? I should also make it clear that anything he does in the fields also gets picked up. We all need a little rant now and then, but I can see by your last paragraph that all is well with the world.

  5. Hi mum, I agree our streets are a complete disgrace.My hubby reckons they should get chain gangs of prisoners picking it all up and tidying our countryside! And dog poo....dont get me started on that!

  6. Canadians for the most part are quite tidy..but why do tourists throw their garbage out of their car windows on country roads? We kept getting paper cups from a coffee nearest branch was a 40 min drive away.
    Jane x

  7. I was saying the same to the children earlier when we were on the way to the dump, we go slightly along a motorway to get there (1 stop). The sides of the road were covered in litter it looks so grotty out at the moment

  8. I hate litter with a passion.

  9. We live a packet of crisps away from a shop so the disguarded packets seem to find there way into our front garden,always tiding up. Why? ???

  10. Loads of litter in my street this week. I think some of it comes from bin day, with stuff that falls out on the way from recycling box to bin van and just gets left. But then it's like broken window syndrome... the more mess people see, the less inclined they are to pick up after themselves. It's so dispiriting.

  11. In the middle of the countryside, as we are, you drive along and whoa theres a tin, a carrier bag, neatly tied, but being pecked at by crows, seagulls, carrier bag is blown into field, eaten by cow or sheep, imagine.....

  12. I hate litter so much! We have a corner lot, and an alley behind us, and the things I've picked up! Cigarette butts, chip packets, fast food wrappers, beer bottles, broken glass. And in the alley, furniture, construction debris, whole bags of trash! You'd think we live in a bad neighborhood, but it's actually not!

  13. I always think that if people are carelessly throwin things in the streets, what are their minds and homes like? Shudder!

  14. I hate litter, graffiti and dog poop. I also hate the spitting that goes on. You see sports people doing it on telly all the time. Soccer players, football players (Aussie rules) and cricket players. It's disgusting and sets a very bad example to younger kids who look up to these sports stars.
    Dog poop, yuck. I walk my dog and always pick up after her. While we are on the subject of things that disgust us, I hate urination (people) that goes on in public places, against brick walls, in the gutters, in stairwells. The smell is leaves, yuck.
    After all this yuckiness, I think I'll step out into the garden for a breath of fresh air.
    Anne xx

  15. Any rubbish that is dropped in our street or milk cartons blown out of the recycle box, all blow into our garden and it doesn't matter which way the wind is blowing either. So fustrating.

  16. I'm afraid it is happening everywhere. I don't know why people can't use a bin or take their litter home with them.

  17. I carry empty bags in my van and we throw everything in that to be disposed of when we get home....all that trash in the streets is just plain laziness! People are so inconsiderate. If you are caught here throwing anything our in the road or anywhere else it is a hefty fine.

  18. One of my pet hates is chewing gum thrown on the pavements, I hate the sight of it!


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