Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Just look up ...

... and see

... a rainbow.

Not a very big one and it didn't last long but it was there and it gave us joy.


  1. A thing of beauty and joy! Lovely photos!

    Sft x

  2. Never ceases to amaze me when I see one,it reminds us gently of Gods wonders.

  3. I see it!

    Lovely pictures, as usual.

  4. I love those cloud formations too.
    Anne xx

  5. Don't think I've every been able to capture a rainbow in a photograph. Well done - great photo!
    Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger

  6. Hello Mum. Goodness, its a long time since I ever said that to any-one! I've just come across your blog, I can't remember how, but i'm glad I have because it feels friendly, cosy and comfortable to me, so I wanted to say hello to you. I'll pop in from time to time to see how you are managing to simplify your life, and for any tips you may have.

  7. You have to look hard for that one. Well done for spotting it, never mind photographing it.


Thank you for your comments. it's always exciting reading them.