Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Poorly sick, can't eat pudding.

No, not the computer this time (it's fixed) but me. I leaned over and the vertigo kicked in. Welcome to the world of keep your head still until the unsteady feeling goes away. I've had a recuperating day in bed with 2 pusscats looking after sitting on top of me and now I'm upright (with a cat still on top of me) and intending to do a spot of blog reading and some crochet.

Anyway! To cheer me up and hopefully you, The Virtual Party can now go ahead on the same day. Read about it here. Thank you to those who said they will post on the day and if you are reading this I invite you to join us. Just write a 'party' post, long or short or even just post a party picture. We'd love to have you join us. Let's have a warm up to the festive season with our Virtual Party.


  1. Hi, Mum, Sorry you're not feeling well. Hope you're feeling better soon. Good news about the party going ahead. Better get my party post written.

  2. Vertigo is the worst especially the vomiting. My son gets it occasionally and we have told him that this is what it feels like to have a hangover, hoping to put him off drinking. He turns 18 next Feb. An Aspie on alcohol, on med, not a good mix.

  3. Hope you are feeling better today xxx

  4. Hope you are feeling better
    Julie xxxx

  5. Hope you're feeling better soon.

  6. I hope your better soon as well, cat blankets always spur on a quicker recovery though ;) x

  7. Hope you're feeling better soon

  8. I am hoping you're feeling better by now Mum!


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