Friday, 2 December 2011

Thank you

Thank you to Anne of Marmalade and Catmint who has awarded me the Leibster Blog Award for blogs with less than 200 followers. When I was first awarded this it was for blogs with less than 100 followers. It's rather like the Chinese Whispers game, where the message becomes distorted as it travels through more and more people. What I have to do now is - 

Copy and Paste the award on to my blog. (Now I did this last time but I put the award picture in the post itself. Der!)

Thank the giver and link back to them. (Done.) Thank you again, Anne.

Reveal my top 5 blog picks and let them know by leaving a comment on their blogs. (Please see my 5 choices from last time and then check out these next 5.)

1. Anne at Azza's Blather
3. Claire at The Little Pom
4. Anne at Ungardened Moments

Oh, I can't choose, I can't choose. So ...

5. For my fifth choice I'd like to recommend all the blogs in my blog list who have less than 200 followers. I know that some of them already have the Leibster Award but, hey, have another one and let's have a good visit of each other's blogs. (I will get around to leaving a comment on your blogs to let you know if you haven't already read this!)

I know I haven't fitted in with all the rules for this award but I'm putting my own take on them. I could add more blog names as I have more bookmarked but I'll leave those for when I get another award to pass on. Happy Blogging.


  1. Congrats on your much deserved award :o) Scarlett x

  2. Thank you so much for this award, it's lovely of you to send it to me.

    I will try to do what I'm supposed to do with it but I'll have to figure out this "linking" thing first!

  3. Of course I'll accept. What do I have to do next?


    Sft x

  4. Thanks, Mum. I'll do a blog post about the award shortly.

  5. congratulation to the wonderful award!!!!1

  6. Well goodness me, thankyou so much.


Thank you for your comments. it's always exciting reading them.