
Sunday 6 November 2016

9 to 5

8.00 - Late start today. It is Sunday after all and today began as each day always begins with breakfast in bed with a slice of toast (no butter, just Marmite) and a grand cup of tea. A discussion of the day ahead and then off we go.

9.00 - Tidying up the kitchen while DH gets on with the greenhouse renovation (big job this). Ingredients are gathered for a second Christmas cake and the bread is started. Today it is granary loaves. While this is going on I'm sweeping the kitchen floor, sorting out the rubbish, wiping down doors and under the sink.

10.00 - I'm washing my hair and cleaning the bathroom sink. Break for DH and he calls upstairs that he's made a cuppa. Tea for him and a hot lemon drink for me while we have a little sit discussing how cold it is outside and how the weather forecast had been correct with a shower this morning just as he was up the ladder. After this I'm here upstairs typing and then I shall finish off the bathroom and write a few more Christmas cards. I've a few things to look up on the computer and then I'm going to clean the brass.

11.00 - The brass has been cleaned, the last of the potatoes dug up from the garden - there were a few more hidden in the soil and the veg has been peeled for the roast later on. I'm going to make some soup with the left over chicken cacciatore, an onion and a stock cube. DH will need something warm when he comes in.

12.00 - It's din dins with the homemade soup and an apple for DH, fresh fruit salad for me while listening to the Sunday Politics. Afterwards I'll put the barbed-wire plant I bought from Lidl last week back into a pot as I've read that it is a tender plant. It will have to go inside over winter as I would hate it to be killed by a frost.

1.00 - I've just prepared all the ingredients ready to make the Christmas cake and am now sorting out my list for next week's shop. I don't need much particularly, just a top up of fruit and a few tins. Another Toblerone might fall into my trolley seeing as it's nearly, no-where near Christmas. I'm going to change my clothes (tut, tut, not got up yet) ready to receive a visitor/friend later on this afternoon. My cake should be smelling good by the time he arrives. The beef roast will go in later to be ready for tea. I've had to look up the constituent spices of mixed spice again as I've still not bought any.

2.00 - Christmas cake is made and now I'm just awaiting our visitor.

3.00 - Visitor has left so back to roast tea preparation. I went into the garden and dug up some leeks for a leek in cheese sauce dish and also picked what are definitely the last of the runner beans. Sauce made,  roasties peeled and beef ready to put in the oven.

4.00 - Break time here for a quick drink and sit reading a magazine before tea which has been scheduled for 5.00. The bread is kneaded again into loaves to rise once more in this next hour. It will go in the oven when the roast comes out.

5.00 - Tea time - roast beef, roast potatoes, leeks in cheese sauce, carrots, runner beans, gravy, horseradish, mustard and mint sauce followed by baked apples with boozy fruit (left over from the Christmas cake). We're full now.

4 diddy cakes and 2 medium

Granary bread this week

This evening is a bath and relax on the computer with a final hour of viewing the TV. Sunday done and dusted.

Alright, it was 8 to 5 not 9 to 5. Not to worry. Hope you had a wonderful day.



  1. A busy and productive day for you both, I am going to be doing a post like this soon, possibly this week, it is nice to see what we all get up to, my life may be dull compared to others, but we are who we are and don't try to be anything different xx

  2. My kind of day. Cakes, bread and a roast. Perfick!

  3. What a wonderfully satisfying day!
    J x

  4. Wow! I need to sit down just reading about your day. Very productive. Mine was more of the relaxing kind. 😊

  5. Sounds a lovely day, your kitchen must have had the most tantalising smells coming from it xx

  6. You had a lovely and busy day. I don't know how you manage to do everything you do.

    God bless.

  7. You had a great day, would you like to come here and get me that organised?
    Julie xxxx

  8. A very productive day indeed - puts me to shame!


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