
Wednesday 9 November 2016

Kitchen Window

I've used the last apple from the garden in a fruit salad which will last us for quite a few days. In the tub went a can of pineapple slices in fruit juice, the apple, another bought apple, 3 satsumas, 2 slices of melon and 2 bananas. The chip in the window sill was done with a pan falling over. Whoops!

My jungle plant on the other side is taking over and is venturing out over the sink.

It's also heading along out from the shelf and ...

towards me. Next time I take a kitchen window shot I will be tied to the kitchen sink and held hostage by a rampant plant. I think it appreciated the feed DH gave it a few months back.

it gets more and more difficult to clean the shelves as I have to untangle it and then hook it back up again. I can see a construction heading out along the ceiling in the future!



  1. That's a kitchen full of character!
    J x

  2. Wow ... that plant is a very happy one, lots of freedom to roam :-)

  3. I have been reading back through your old posts and your triffid is definitely happy where it is isn't it!

  4. Philodendron grow like crazy and yours really seems to like where it is.

    God bless.

  5. If we don't hear from you, we know why!


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