
Saturday 5 November 2016

Follow, follow

A very warm welcome to my new follower - I've been stuck on 349 for ages. I need to do more visiting, commenting and following myself but, of course, life gets in the way. The word 'follower' conjured up a 'follow my leader' image in my mind with one person leading and a tail of people following all copying the actions of the one in front. In reality we are all following our own interests with people who share the same so it becomes not just one long line but a whole network of people interacting with each other's blogs. 

I couldn't get this 'follower' word out of my mind and I kept on singing - Follow! Follow! Now which song has these lyrics? Quite a few it seems but I finally found the one here.

And here's my take on the tune.

Time to say thank you to all of my readers.
I look at the stats and see all the views there.
Time to say thank you to all of my readers
Who visit often and leave their comments.
Time to say thank you to all of my readers.
You're kind and sharing, warm and thoughtful.
Time to say thank you and if you're a mind to
Then follow, follow.

(Sorry about that - what a round-a-bout way to encourage more followers. Please forgive me.)




  1. I used to love that song. Very melodic. The one I though of was Come, follow.

    I love the photo right at the top.
    J x

  2. Ialso love the new header x I find I have little of humorous intrest just now so stay schtum.

  3. Thank you for the welcome!
    Arilx aka Sarah

  4. I love the seagull. Enjoy your day.

    God bless.


Thank you for your comments. it's always exciting reading them.