
Sunday 3 January 2016

Best blogs from best blogger blog lists

I'm off on my bloggy travels this year and shall be visiting other blogs found on my favourite best blogs' blog lists.

While visiting Our New Life in the Country, I hopped off to a few blogs on Sue's list and the one that caught my attention was Tanya's at Lovely Greens. I'm sure she was a follower of mine once upon a time, or commented now and then. Here post was delightful and I loved the very simple home made Christmas cards. I need to make a few more for next year as some of my Everlasting (look up 'everlasting cards'  in the search box) ones are becoming full with greetings and need to be retired. My earliest ones have been back and forth from 1996, I think.


PS I couldn't find a place to leave a comment on Tanya's blog.
PPS Why do I have to be on Google Plus in order to leave comments on some blogs. I don't want to sign up to Google Plus but I do want to leave comments.



  1. Oh, this is going to be a fun journey. Those two I know already... ;)

  2. I love all your ideas. Just doing things should be top of my list.x

  3. I intend to visit more blogs and also get some more followers.Fingers crossed!

  4. I am finding some really interesting blogs too. I spend fsr too much time though reading blogs... I must limit myself

  5. I know what you mean about not wanting to sign up for google plus but wanting to leave a comment. I sometimes try and find their email and explain and leave a comment
    Juiie xxxxxxxxxxx

  6. And that's exactly how I found a lot of the blogs on my sidebar ... by visiting from other folks blogs.

    It's an exciting journey this travelling around blogland isn't it. The chance to read about, learn about and even participate in other peoples lives.

    Leaving comments can be trying sometimes and I think we are being almost blackmailed to have to change to Google Plus ... I for one am holding out!!

  7. I'm going to visit on your coat tails! Free ride lol x


Thank you for your comments. it's always exciting reading them.