
Saturday 2 January 2016

The Best Bit Book

Christmas has finally been put away in the loft and the new year can commence with a clean house and enough leftovers in fridge and freezer to feed us for a week. Doesn't it feel good when a fresh start begins. The decs away was the best bit of the day for me so far. 

In December I started a Best Bit Book in one of my old notebooks. I recycled it by ripping out used pages and splitting the rest of the pages up so I could fit 365 entries in the book. I'm recording (on one line) the best bit of each day and the book should last up to 2020 (if I'm still around!). Here's a sample of one of the pages with names blanked out.

The book is similar to a 5 year journal but is less expensive and more personal and I'm enjoying filling it in each day. 

Perhaps that could be the best bit of today!
Or maybe it's buying some bargains in the sales.
Or perhaps enjoying reading comments and visiting your blogs.
Maybe it will be 'making a use it up from the fridge' tea.
Or finding the cat snuggled into the dried washing.
Ooh, such a lot to choose from.
By Jove it's cosy and warm in here.



  1. Nice idea. I have a 5 year diary, you respond to a line or question each day. I'm starting the 4th year of it and it's interesting to see how I answered in the earlier years.

  2. That's a really lovely idea. Good luck with it. I hope we get to hear your favourite bits from time to time.

  3. Have a wonderful 2016!
    Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger

  4. Best Bit book sounds like an excellent idea. To many days are clouded with negativeness - th a book will ensure that the good moments linger... ;)

  5. Its so easy to forget those bright momments! My best bit today was folding the last lot of visitors bed linen and closing the door on a stack of freshly washed sheets and towels.

  6. sounds like a great idea!
    might you want to close the dryer door?
    teasing of course, smile.

  7. I do similar, except that I call it 5 positives. I use a lined notebook and write in 5 positive things that happen each day, no negatives. When you've been doing it for a while it becomes quite easy to sum each day up in a positive way.

  8. I remember 5year diaries. That is a lovely idea.
    Julie xxxxxxxx

  9. What a good idea. I seem to have blogged less towards the end of 2015 but this was due to illness and doing so much in the village, but your idea could be a good idea for 2016. Happy New Year.


Thank you for your comments. it's always exciting reading them.