
Monday 4 January 2016

Another visit

A quick visit to Jackie in Canada today from Johnnyjumpsup blog. I liked reading her comment about eating up leftovers. I think my tastiest meals come from playing around with different combinations of leftovers with a few more added ingredients.
For example my soup today was a concoction of cauliflower cheese, mashed potato, chick peas and stock. It tasted fine and I've more left for tomorrow's lunch. We're having roast beef tomorrow for tea so the left overs from that will be a basis for the next few meals. I don't meal plan, I just go with what's in the fridge or freezer. Ain't life exciting at our house!




  1. It's equally as thrilling at mine! Xx

  2. Hi, mum, so pleased you hopped on over to Jackie's blog. I enjoy reading her posts. Thanks for the mention.

  3. I meal plan. I tell hubby each morning what he is having for tea.... trouble is I change my mind when I open the freezer...keeps it interesting

  4. I feel chuffed when I can use up leftovers!! There are still people out there who say " I wouldn't dream of using leftovers!" .....tch..... in my opinion totally silly!!! Christmas is a great time for making do with leftovers and I so agree some delicious meals can be made up with leftovers!!! :-)

    keep well

    Amanda xx

  5. Thank you so much for dropping by. I always read your blog but don't always post.

    God bless.

  6. Thanks for visiting my blog. I always drop by for a read but hardly ever post.

    God bless.


Thank you for your comments. it's always exciting reading them.