
Monday 25 January 2016

There's more ...

… pics from our jolly out to the Winter Gardens.

More patterns - 

Over a door in the Circle Bar.
A Deco frieze in a corridor by the loos.

More decoration - 

In a Deco chill out room.

In the same room as above.
The mirror behind the bar in the Circle Bar.
The ceiling in the Ballroom.
The walls in the ballroom.

More interesting bits -

It's an old cine camera I think.
These are the counter balance weights that help lift up
a portion of the stage.
The stage is the largest in Europe.
The ceiling in the former Planet Room. Here you can
see the different constellations.
Decoration in the Spanish Hall.
The Baronial Hall

And finally - 

This was a very interesting sign on a door above the stage.

No flying for us then!



  1. Love the deco frieze, look nice in wool.

  2. What a beautiful theatre so much attention to detail in the décor love the coloured frieze. dee x

  3. What a spectacular place, love art deco design.

  4. I love the top pattern. It looks like jolly people! x

  5. Truly an amazing place - I love all those period details! xx


Thank you for your comments. it's always exciting reading them.