
Tuesday 26 January 2016

Posting for Joy

Joy asked how I've set about using my new to me Filofax as a Hobbies organiser. It's only in its infancy at the moment but here's a first walkthrough.

My monthly divider cards are made from and old calendar. I probably don't need monthly dividers but at the end of the year I will be able to see how much I've done each month.

The first section is for Ebay listings. I'm trying to de-clutter and one way of getting rid and recycling at the same time is by selling on Ebay.

I have made an opening section to quickly list in order the items I intend to sell. The top headings include date of listing, starting price, whether auction or buy it now, postage price etc.

Following on I have more details for each item and a place to put the proof of posting.

The next section is for ...

my foreign language practice and includes various exercises from different course books.

The third section (and on this divider I have stuck a photo of some dance friends) is ...

...for notes on different dances. I'd kept a few handouts in my gym bag and now I have the ideal place to store them. My intention is to use this section as a reference for the different dance steps.

I have quite a few other hobbies that won't necessarily end up in this organiser. For example my recipes have a book of their own. Our music group sessions are recorded in a separate book too. Crochet, knitting patterns and more recipes are stored on my computer.

I wonder if I should start a Gardening Section or list my Lego collection. If I'm not careful I'll end up as just having the one hobby of - 


with no time for anything else!



  1. I love the idea of using old calendar seasonal pictures to divide your organizer. Great idea!

  2. I am working on an organiser as we speak - mine is A4 and I will use it to keep Village Hall Committee notes in one place.

  3. Oh...thank you 'Mum'......can you suggest other sections as I don't ever eBay, or do dance lessons or learn a foreign language....
    Like you my recipe collection is elsewhere.......uhmmm

    1. Books read list, miles walked list, knitting or crocheting projects on the go, letters written and to whom, favourite quotes, poems to learn, diet information and/or weight loss or fitness tracking, lists of collections e.g. fabric, wool, wish lists. I'm sure other readers can come up with some good ideas based on their hobbies. I suppose it all depends on what your hobbies are. I'd start from there. Maybe you don't need a hobbies organiser. Mine is to inspire me to do more and learn more whilst enjoying myself.

  4. It's a thing of beauty :-) it'll be interesting to see how full it is come December X

  5. Makes me feel tired just reading all the different things you do.

  6. What a really good idea and I see that you're an organiser par excellence! xx

  7. Great, I've found another Filofaxer! I love my filofax, it's got everything in it!


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