
Saturday 10 May 2014


The cat's on my knee and I'm having difficulty typing as the cursor keeps jumping to another place as the cat turns over! 

I wrote the virtual raffle names on pieces of paper and folded them up. Instead of picking names out of a basket, I threw the pieces on the floor and chucked encouraged the cat off my knee. The first piece he sniffed at is the winner.

And the lucky winner of the Nature Notes book is


Jo from Through the Keyhole. Jo, if you email me your address, I'll send the book off asap.. I hope you enjoy reading it and thank you to all who joined in the Spring Fair.


PS Note the top I'm wearing? I tidied my shelves this evening. Do you see a theme here?


  1. Congratulations to Jo,,, love the tops!

  2. I always have a dog or two on my lap during the day. So I know what you mean.

  3. I hope kitty got a treat.
    How DO you decide what to wear each day?!
    Jane x

    1. It's difficult, I know, I have to co-ordinate with the flip flops to achieve the desired fashionable look!

  4. You can never have to many striped tops. I love them.

  5. Congrats to Jo and good to see another one handed typist! Laptop work is definitely not a solitary activity in this house either. The cat looks so sweet cuddled up.

  6. I struggle to type as one of my little "Darlings" tries to rub my hands off the keyboard with his head. The amount of miss spellings are blamed entirely on the cat ;)

  7. Thank you, it looks like a lovely book, I shall enjoy reading that. Ha ha, your shelf looks just like mine, I love stripes.

  8. at first I wasn't sure what they were but then realized they are pins! Congratulations to the lucky winner, I would love some fish and chips right now!

  9. Loving the t shirts Mum, just like my drawer....stripes everywhere! Xx


Thank you for your comments. it's always exciting reading them.