
Tuesday 13 May 2014

Just pondering

I bought these pins because I thought I'd lost my others.

I hadn't lost my old ones,

they were just mis-placed.

Never mind. I like these ones better.

I bought lots of salad stuff and fruit today because it was going to be the start of healthy eating (again).

We went out for fish and chips at dinner time,

just because …

Never mind. I'll start the diet tomorrow.



  1. I do like those. My pins are very old and most don't have the bobble end...they are a bu&&er to pick up!
    Jane x

  2. I used to sell pins like that when I worked in a craft shop. They came in on a special spindle type stand. They sat on the counter and if someone picked one up and put it back out of place I just had to match the colours!
    Julie xxxxxxxxxx

  3. Your new pins are lovely and colourful

  4. I like those pins too, lovely and bright. I've been back to healthy eating for a couple of weeks now, what I'd give for fish and chips.

  5. I love the beady pins too, so much easier to use and prettier.

    Day 3 of healthy eating here, not too bad but by friday I will be craving stodge! We are keeping out of morrisons this week so not tempted by the fish and chips there! Enjoy yours while you can :-) xx

  6. The pins look pretty - good luck with the diet. Trying Perpetua's advice with the word verification.

  7. Ha Ha - luckily there is ALWAYS tomorrow!! XX


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