
Monday 13 January 2014

White and Wintery

Whilst making a comment on this blog I thought - that's a good idea for a post.

Instead of a dreary start to the new year, which January tends to be, I decided to liven it up a little with a white and wintery decorative theme. It started with these plates which were a birthday gift (bargain price from TK*) from DD. They will now be my January plates and will lead me from the excesses of the festive season to the simplicities of the new year.

Flowers this week are poinsettia amaryllis (Silly me put poinsettia. I have been duly chastised and will endeavour not to make mistakes again! At least I now know people read all the way through my posts!), which is now in full bloom ...

and my other poinsettia (Whoops!) amaryllis, which is whitish.

I tend to have a green and white theme anyway in quite a few areas of the house.

So, white and wintery but with a hint of colour to come.



  1. Loved your pretty,I'd love some like that. The flowers were beautiful too, (but *whispers* "'s not a Poinsettia, its an Amaryllis) the pink blush to the edge of the petals is so delicate, really lovely!

    1. No No..............not chastised, honest!.....just gently teased a little, and with affection.

  2. Hate to say this, I actually don't like correcting people, so if you don't want to publish this comment that is fine, but aren't they Amaryllis?
    Julie xxxxxxxxxx

  3. Beautiful china plates!
    Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger

  4. Just found your blog and look forward to reading back postings. Your flowers are amaryllis not poinsettia. Lovely all the same.

  5. You're still in Christmas mode'! The plants are Amaryllis!
    They are lovely too, the second one is probably 'Apple Blossom', mines' no where nearing flowering yet.
    Love the plates and the 'White and Wintery' idea, although it's gloriously sunny here.....beautifully so. xxx

  6. Got enough white and wintery here without adding to it...but I love those plates!
    Jane x

  7. Hello, Mum! I have just gotten caught up with your blog, as I am really behind in my blog reading. It's been a hectic holiday. I've also joined the 52 weeks project, so maybe I can become more organized this year of 2014. Organization has never been my strong suit. I have enjoyed your advent calendar, and loved the little snowman garland. I've missed you, and will try to keep up with my reading from now on. xxoo. JO

  8. You have reminded me - there`s an amarylis in a pot in the cupboard under the sink. I must see if it`s ready to bring out yet.

    Yours are beautiful. Both the white and the Apple Blossom.

  9. I love your wooden table and set of drawers - they look great together.

    P.S. Oh, and the flowers are pretty too ;-)

  10. Love the plates and the amyrillas are beautiful.

    Check your email box :)

    Peg x


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