
Sunday 12 January 2014

52 list Week 1

I'm joining in with Dreamer's 52 list and already have about 26 small tasks that I'd like to do/finish. I'm choosing tasks that I've been avoiding. My list is written in my organiser and I hope this will give me a kick up the backside and spur me on. We'll see. First cross off my list is:

1. Do the brass on the front door. You've left it long enough and it looks a right mess. Grandma would not be pleased. From now on please polish the brass every Sunday and don't lapse!

These old rags were thrown away and replaced with
clean ones.

Oh my - what neglect!

Now that's much better!
I know it's week 2 but I'm hoping to catch up!


  1. Yes............I actually started a list of things to make and do for 52 weeks, well actually 50, break at the end of the year - I feel I have failed again, but Mr Percy Verance is coming to visit!

  2. What a transformation!, now you have given me another thing to add to my list as I also have a door with neglected brass :(

    Thanks for joining in Mum and I will link back to this post once I put mine up later x

  3. Good luck with your list, that sure looks like a bright shiny doorknob. brass polishing in our house is GM's job, but since we moved here we dont have any.

  4. You put me to shame. I tried the letter box once in the time I've been here and I couldn't budge the accumulated stuff and just left it. I might have another go.

  5. Now - all that effort has given you such an amazing visual reward. Well done :)

  6. Well worth the effort, keep it up. xx

  7. Very nice Mum.
    When I lived in Blackpool I had a similar brass door knob and a brass ring around the door bell. I was working at the time and admit I did let the cleaning lapse. I had a lovely neighbour who would often clean mine when she did her own. It was lovely to come home and see it shiny.
    Nice to think that you and I might have been living in the same area at one time, now I am far away in Dallas TX.
    I am hoping to bring my American husband for his first visit to the UK this year. The Fylde coast will certainly be high on our list of places to visit.
    Pam in TX.xx

  8. Good work, Mum!
    Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger

  9. Nice and shiny. I have bought a cheap diary and I make appointments for specific job I need to do around the house including mending and crafting otherwise it just might not het done. I'm no domestic goddess.

  10. My grandmother loved polishing brass. You've done a great job.

  11. What a difference and I bet you feel so much better for having done it. I quite like this idea and may just have to pop over and see what it's all about xx


Thank you for your comments. it's always exciting reading them.