
Saturday 18 January 2014

Out and about

... to Preston on the train. A walk down the main street sauntering in and out of the shops brought us to the Harris Museum. An inscription on the outside of the building quotes:

‘The mental riches you may here acquire abide with you always’

So we went inside for some mental riches.

After an enriching tour around in very pleasant surroundings we strolled back through the town, stopping for our 'cuppa', renewing our shopping experience down the other side of the high street and ended up back at the train station to catch the train home.

Plusses - a chat with a friend, a cultural experience, a view of life in another town

Minuses - only one which is the temptation to spend money. I was 'looking for something' and I did get it!


PS A very warm welcome to my new follower. I hope you enjoy your visits.


  1. I'm intrigued by the circular thing.
    Jane x

  2. The view is from the second floor down to the ground floor. The circular thing is on the first floor and is a stone balustrade surrounding the cut out floor.

  3. I loved to go to Preston on the train when I visited my Mum in Blackpool, so I can picture your journey and shopping experience.
    Pam in TX.

  4. Lovely to visit a museum with a friend x


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