
Sunday 19 January 2014

52 list Weeks 2 and 3

I'm joining in with Dreamer's 52 list and am choosing small tasks that I've been avoiding and would like to do/finish. My list is written in my organiser and I hope this will give me a kick up the backside and spur me on. My second week (and third week) task is:

2. and 3. Finish off the India cot blankets. You've had these squares lying about for ages. Just because they are all the odd ones which are left it should not be an excuse for avoiding the task altogether. You keep tripping over the bag of squares and if you join them together you can send them via your friend to India and there'll be one less bag of clutter in your room. Do you hear me?

I heard myself loud and clear so here is Blanket number 19 and

... here is Blanket number 20.

Here it is again minus pusscat.


PS A very warm welcome to Mrs G., Northern mum who is a new blogger and Susie who must enjoy baking. Thank you for following.


  1. Thanks for giving me a prod, and setting me off on the 52 projects list. It is SO satisfying to get things 'done and dusted'
    And some children in India are certainly going to be blessed by your generosity. xx

  2. Well done with your project, and love the furry photo bomber!

  3. I had a little chuckle at you telling yourself off there lol x
    That's a win win situation, less clutter and helping a good cause at the same time, love the second blankie x

  4. Amazing how puss cats always have to get in on the photo shoot isnt it?

  5. Ooo doesn't it feel good to have a bit less clutter... and lovely useful blankets too.

  6. Lovely blankets. Someone will be very pleased with them.
    Now you`ll have to make one for the puss cat!

  7. Very therapeutic getting on with something rather than just thinking about doing it. Lovely blankets and I'm sure they will be appreciated where they are going.


Thank you for your comments. it's always exciting reading them.