
Monday 28 October 2013

Thank you

A huge


to everyone who participated in the 2013 Tea Party. I hope you enjoyed visiting each other's blogs and have made some new virtual friends. I had a wonderful time reading all your posts and I have some new recipes to try.

Our next big 'do' will be a Spring Fair next year. The list is open now, (while we're still on a roll)!!!!!

PS Here's one visitor I've added to the list.



  1. Glad you had a good time, hopefully I'll be able to join in the next one.

  2. Thank YOU Mum, for organising, I thoroughly enjoyed it, and have found several new blogs to follow.
    Please add me to the list for the Spring Fair next year.
    Love Joy xx

  3. I popped in briefly yesterday but didn't have time to comment, so I shall do a bit of blog hopping today to see what everyone got up to.

  4. It was so much fun. Taking a rest from baking today to get the ironing done, which is not fun at all.
    I'll e mail the Nanaimo bar recipe to you.
    Jane x

  5. It was such fun - thank you so much x

  6. I enjoyed reading them mum, thanks!

  7. I had a lot of fun visiting everyone and enjoyed the day. Thank you for organising it and I look forward to the spring one. I have a fun good idea for this but will have to wait and see.

  8. I'm sorry I missed it - I've been away on a family holiday over half term and had no computer access for over a week. Glad to hear that everybody enjoyed the party : )


Thank you for your comments. it's always exciting reading them.