
Sunday 27 October 2013

Mum's Virtual Tea Party 2013

Oh gosh, visitors are coming by. I need to have everything ready. Now which teapot should we use? The everyday one?

The Deco style one?

The thirties one?

Or the extra large one for group use. We may have many visitors to this tea party so this might be the one?

Now which china should we use? This Triillium is my favourite.

Or what about the Old Rose design?

Our cakes could go on Grandma's old plate or ...

the wooden platter made (whittled) for me by a friend, out of witch elm burr.

I asked for a bowl made out of a gnarled piece of wood and he came up with the goods.

Sandwiches -  standard stuff or something a bit different? I don't want people to leave them because they don't like the filling. 
banana and sugar - nah!
Marmite - nah, too controversial
cucumber - nah, as above
red onion and cream cheese - possibly
egg and cress - old favourite
tomato - perhaps, we've certainly got lots in the greenhouse.

Herehere and here are some variations on the tomato sandwich.

Nearly there, just got my nails to do.

It's a good job we've got help today so let's sit back and relax and visit these blogs for more tea party inspiration. If their post is not up yet do go back later. You won't be disappointed.

Joy - Prepare to be dazzled!

Johnny jumps up - Stay awhile for the entertainment. Plenty to eat aswell plus question to test your skills.

Jane and Chris - Wow, what a spread. There's something for everyone here.

Bad Penny - Don't forget your hat if you visit here.

Pam - Plenty to eat here. I'm getting full now, plus I've scrounged the recipe for Norfolk shortcake. Yeah!

Joanne - All her sarnies have gone but there's still some delectables left. Hurry over and admire the Fall theme.

Feather Duster - I do hope you've made some new friends here in the Virtual World. Happy Birthday for tomorrow.

Jill - drink your wine and view beautiful pictures

Cathy - I'm learning a lot here.

Carol - Oh the cake, hmmm! And there's a recipe to make your own.

Emma and Pam I know you don't have your own blogs but hi there, hope you're both having a wonderful time.

Shiela, I hope your moving is going well and that you've had enough time to pop in to sample all the delights.

Anne - Have you had your cake and a cuppa yet?

Gladys  - Hope you've got your glad-rags on, this is a posh 'do'. How do you eat your chocolate teacake?

Amanda - This is a tea party with a difference. I love variety.

Gram - Thank you so much for arranging tea. Tell Miss Phitt she looks lovely.

I'm so glad you could call by today. Hope you've enjoyed your virtual tea and I really hope you've made some new acquaintances. To all who have visited thank you so much for your participation. My bloggy friends - you're just the greatest!



  1. Stopping in for a visit.

    Your teapots are cute, especially that 30's one.
    I would love a tomato sandwich, please.

    I'm in preparations now, and will be ready for guests in a couple hours.

  2. Oh dear, I forgot---how could I? I beg forgiveness. Bonsaimum on knees looking contrite.

    1. Here, have a cup of tea. All is forgiven.

  3. Good morning Mum ! I'm having my cuppa but it's only 8.30am & soon will be 7.30 as we didn't turn the clocks back last night.
    Can I borrow your large teapot for later please ?
    Egg & cress sandwiches sound lovely with a good cup of tea but I will have a tomato one too just to be polite as you've made them so nicely for us !
    What a lovely gathering you have today. Do pop over to me for a breather if you get time - the kettle will be on & the teapot warming !

  4. Well my dear friend has gone home now so I'm ready to visit other tea parties. Must say I love tommyato sandwiches - thanks for the links. And as for which tea pot you use - I don't mind as long as the tea is hot!
    Take care

  5. I love tomato sandwiches with a little piccalilli sauce. I love teapots and making tea in a pot but I don't drink tea. I'm up and ready for visitors.

  6. I am late on parade Mum but the oven is on and things are whizzing around. No dainty sandwiches for my lot, a Norfolk High Tea, they are a greedy guts bunch! My table will be set soon.

  7. Oh my tea starts early at Mum's, but I'm not compalining it all looks fabulous and tomato sandwiches are one of my favs. Thanks for the invite.

  8. Just had a nice cuppa over at Joys, so a little full up. But using my best manners I have nipped over to you as requested and could just squeeze in a little egg and cress sandwich if there is one going. Thank you for the invite. Have a good day. xx

  9. Hello Mum
    Thank you so much for the invite! ooooh! it is so long since I've had a banana and sugar sandwich.....mmmmm ....may I? I'd also like a cup of tea please in a lovely Trillium cup. it all looks so inviting.
    Shall I put the chocolate on the boil now or should I wait until more guests arrive ??? The "churros" have arrived so they are piping hot!!

    Amanda :-)

  10. It's just after breakfast give me a little while to get the morning chores done and I'll be all ready. See there are quite a few people to go visit so I'd better put my glad rags on too...see you later!
    Jane x

  11. Hello you lovely ladies!
    Raising a cuppa to all from Dallas TX. It is breakfast time here but tea is good at any time correct?
    I love your tea pots and china. I have some Royal Doulton, Old Roses pattern, which was my grandmothers. My family are from the Stoke on Trent area known as the "Potteries". A great aunt and uncle worked in the Royal Doulton factory and many moons ago made a dinner set for Queen Victoria. They were given some rejects which did not make the grade, I remember seeing them in a china cabinet as a child. They would certainly be nice to have today, sadly I do not know what happened to them.
    Best wishes to Blackpool, fond memories of my time living there.
    Enjoy your party ladies, love from Pam in TX.xx

  12. Thanks for organising, Mum, hope you've enjoyed the day, I certainly have, stuffed full now, xx

  13. I just stumbled upon your blog today. I enjoyed your post and just may be able to join you for the next tea-party. Have fun. Deb (Ontario, Canada)

  14. Hello again Mum
    Well haven't we had fun today - I'm clockers with all the extra calories I ate!
    Thought you'd like to know one of my regulars has joined in - Don't know if she's been in contact with you, perhaps you'd like to add her to your list above.
    Thanks again for all the introductions
    Take care

  15. I had a lovely time & lots of callers. Thank you Mum !


Thank you for your comments. it's always exciting reading them.