
Monday 2 September 2013


I think it's time that I showed you my piles!

First of all my pile of books. Gill, I don't review books for anyone in particular. These books were given to me by friends. There's books behind the books in the pictures ...

and more piles of books elsewhere. I'm slowly wading my way through. I aim eventually to wade my way through all the books in the house and give away most of them. One of my NewYear Resolutions was to read at least one book per month.

I've got piles of wool in drawers scattered around the house.

There are more piles of wool elsewhere! Most of it is from CSs or car boots. I'm slowly crocheting and knitting my way through them.

Here is a pile of photographs. I've got photo albums to put them in but I've not got round to that job yet. Perhaps it should be at the top of my list or this pile will hang around getting in the way. I've already had the family videos put on to CD. Now do I bin the videos? Decisions, decisions. I need to get rid of these piles.

Here are piles of fabric which 'may come in handy sometime'. There are more piles elsewhere - oh dear.  How many quilts do I need? Should I start making my own dresses? I've already got piles of those for my dancing.

Here is a pile of garments that have seen better days. They are waiting in a pile to be cut into patchwork pieces with each square a reminder of who wore the garment and where.

And last here, but not my last lot of piles, are the final middles for my 2012 blanket. My pile of wool for this blanket has gone down considerably, with 2 blankets 'done' already for the 'daughters' and 1 blanket left to finish for me.

It will be quite a while before I get rid of all my piles. I'll just have to live with them for a while longer!



  1. There's lots of piles in my house too, I really need to do a good clear out.

  2. I did the books this year, sadly the weedings are now piled in a cupboard!

  3. Thank goodness!!......... another 'wool-aholic' - I'm not alone! You do have a lot of piles of different things there - I can sympathise I'm always saying 'oh it'll come in handy one day xxx

  4. I've got lots of piles too, similar to yours - books, fabrics, things waiting to go to the charity shop or projects waiting to be done. It's reassuring that I'm not the only one.

  5. I have piles, too,,, piles of fabric! Think I could open a little shop.

  6. But your piles seem so orderly!

  7. Lots of "in progress" piles here too.
    One day it would be nice to have less of them :)

  8. I like your piles. Books, wool, crochet, fabric, delicious.
    Anne xx

  9. I must say, your piles are the healthiest I have ever seen!
    Jane x

    1. I had the exact same thought...LOL


    2. Someone had to go there and im sure that was the intent with the opening line. I was being polite and not commenting the obvious. Lol.

  10. How neat your piles are. I need to tidy mine. I will get round to it. My plan is to get in our box room and clear it out as best as I can (again).


Thank you for your comments. it's always exciting reading them.