
Tuesday 3 September 2013

Kitchen Window - September 2013

The sunflower bouquet was a pressie from DD - just because. The Matryoshka type thingy is a Flavour Shaker from the CS. It's got very bad reviews but it looks good. I'm watching how much energy we use again so the meter thingy is on the window sill. Look I'm hanging out the washing instead of chucking it in the tumble drier. The plant has been re-arranged because I cleaned the shelves. It had wrapped itself around the rungs on the shelf. It drapes 3 ways now and is aiming for the cooker hood.

My mugs were also a pressie a few years ago.

Thanks for the flowers, beautiful girl.

The broccoli is soaking in salty water to get rid of the biddies. I'm having steamed veg with gravy tonight - a Life After Money staple meal.


PS - Only one caterpillar in the greenery today!


  1. if you had kept the caterpillar you would have had some meat with the veggies!!

  2. Beautiful sunflowers, they look so lovely as cut flowers. Cute pussy cat mug.

  3. Sunflowers must be the happiest looking flowers ever!
    Jane x

  4. I think I would cry if I had to watch our electricity meter, good job it's hidden under the stairs (or is that the gas, with the electricity outside on the garage wall, I can never remember)
    Lovely flowers from your DD, hope you enjoy your veg, we are eating loads of runner beans right now.
    joy xx


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