
Monday 19 October 2020

Ready for this?

Kitchen floor clean and ready to be walked on.

Everything prepared  and ready for scrambled eggs with tomatoes for lunch.

Apples stored in the garden room ready to be eaten in the future.

Blankets ready in the lounge ready to snuggle down with this evening.

Ingredients prepared for a Queen of Puddings (apples with a sponge on top) for afters at teatime.

Notebook ready to list To Dos and ideas.

A Hallowe'en corner ready for Hallowe'en.

Sink clean and ready for the next onslaught.

Me - ready for a walk.

Then I'm ready for a rest.




  1. It is all looking good,very good.

  2. I love your Halloween display. Once I'm settled in my new place I think it's something I'll do.

  3. How lovely - all of it. xx

  4. You've been very organised. I do love a notebook for making lists.. Hmmmm where did I put my notebook. :-)

  5. Well done! You are so organized.

    God bless.

  6. Wow!! that is being well organised. Very glad to see that you managed to get time for a walk!! I am afraid I am not so well organised as you so I just down tools and get out and walk. If I don't do it that way I shall never get into a routine again. Love the little Halloween corner :-) keep walking Amanda x


Thank you for your comments. it's always exciting reading them.