
Sunday 26 May 2019

Day of rest

Have a lie in.

Survey the garden. Strawberries coming along nicely.

Mange tout nearly as high as an elephant's eye. Hopefully the flowers will be out soon - I can see little buds so all should be well.

Tomatoes showing themselves after flowering.

New grapevine looks promising. Must give them both another haircut.

Took this picture in Primani yesterday. Looks easy enough to make but don't know if I'd dare wear it with all those tassels. The squares would have to be bigger!!!!!

Don't think I'll try the crocheted bikini - that's going rather too far.

Two squares made!



  1. Your produce looks amazing! Yum mange tout. You making which one?!

  2. Your produce looks wonderful. We are in danger of a frost tonight so everything is covered and some are in the house.

    God bless.

  3. Wow - those vegetables look fantastic and way ahead of mine. Lovely!

  4. I hope you are well.

    God bless.


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