
Saturday 13 October 2018

Not again

Yes, it's not the kitchen window again. This side is changing more often as it's a working area. Working on a couple of things here - more pasta and the Christmas cake.

The pasta is an 'again' as the first lot was easy and it's getting easier. I just did one egg and 4oz flour to make my dough and put it through the machine to make noodles. My veggie stir fry has lasted me 3 days (again and again and again) and so did the noodles.

Here's the tray with the ingredients for the cake. (Christmas is coming round again very quickly. ) The recipe is just a simple 12, 12, 12 combination with 2lbs of fruit and various spices.

This tray is now waiting for the fruit to be fed with whiskey, gin and rum. It's all smelling good and I think I'll keep feeding me the fruit for the next few days!




  1. I just love the smell when making the Christmas cake especially soaking the fruit.

  2. Looking good! I love the way making the cake makes the house smell so very good.

  3. I admire you making all of your own pasta and Xmas cake. I'm sure they turn out great. Must be very satisfying. I can't ever see me doing it.

  4. I have never made my own pasta and Harvey is hinting that I should as his mother did so.

    Home made Christmas cake. Yum.

    Christmas will be here before we know it. Just hoping I get my projects completed before it arrives.

    God bless.

  5. Hi Mum, just wanted to say hope you are keeping well and thank you for the Christmas cake reminder as I had completely forgotten mine 😱Lol....I better check my cupboards for ingredients

  6. I'm not keen on rich fruitcake but make a lighter apple fruit cake. With light icing and topped with nuts and glacé cherries it's very popular. I soak the fruit in amaretto. Unfortunately I don't benefit from being able to bake it eRlyas it doesn't last like a traditional cake so it's always a bit of a rush-job on 23rd.

  7. Don't know how I missed this post, well I do I wasn't following for some reason. xx


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