
Tuesday 13 March 2018

Cleaning Routine - Tuesday

Tuesday - Lounge or Dining Room

The lounge is only used in the evening so does not get in disarray very often as supper things are cleared away in the evening before bed as well as cushions and throws straightened. Tuesdays are for the more thorough clean. Today I will concentrate on dusting the fireplace, furniture and picture rails in both rooms. The carpets will be vacuumed. That's it - it won't take long as swimming and lunch out is on the agenda for today.


PS - in answer to BBBJ the answer is, "Yes, I do do other things apart from cleaning and my cleaning routine may appear to be obsessive but with this framework I can do as little or as much as I want each day and know that all areas will have been covered with minimal effort and I've 'kept on top of things'."

The very act of living in a house creates disorder involving clutter, dirt and dust. Items are brought in, things moved around, clothes changed. Order and cleanliness doesn't last very long when activity and creativity are present. Illness, of which our family has had more than its fair share, doesn't help on the house maintenance front. Yes, when I can I will put my cleaning routine into action, not to be obsessive but to be happy in the knowledge that the house is in good working order so that we can pursue and enjoy all our hobbies and family life.



  1. I agree with you Mum, having a routine like yours means that no areas are neglected which means cleaning is quicker.

  2. Everything is right when your house is clean and tidy, I could not bear the thought of coming home to a dirty house. We are both very tidy people, and like you I straighten things before bed.

  3. Glad I'm not the only one who has to put everything in its place before I go to bed. I couldn't stand to get up in the morning and everything was messy.

  4. I really ought to have a routine similar to this. < pondering >

  5. It is interesting how we all tackle these chores in a different way.We moved to this house,bigger than the last because we needed a fourth bedroom,three years ago and basically we have kept it clutter free.The kitchen work tops only have a kettle,toaster and fruit bowl on them so very easy to keep clean.We do a big clean on a Sunday morning.Top to bottom.,alternating up and downstairs.I do up one week,C the next.The rest of the week we do the toilets/ bathrooms and kitchen every day.We both have lots of hobbies,a lot of mine craft based.C has the smallest bedroom for his painting,writing etc.We are out a lot doing different things.This afternoon we are going to a talk on Richard the third.From car park to cathedral.Tonight we are eating out with friends,11 of us ,so no cooking today!!!
    Us all being different is what makes the world go around.Have a great day.

  6. Thanks for posting your routines-you spurred me on to look at how ai could be more organised. I do so many hibbies and voluntary tasks that sometimes I end up in a muddle. When I worked, I was the most organised person I knew, but retirement has made me lax, and when I was unwell recently, I ended up being distressed about the mess. We have decluttered a lot of things and decorated our bedroom too. The better weather is helping me to get more energetic so fingers ctossed I can be more like you. Catriona

  7. I can hardly wait for my cast to be gone and I can actually give the house a good cleaning. Right now with the work in the basement, and not being able to do much of anything I feel my house is dirty.

    God bless.


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