
Saturday 27 January 2018

Playground games

Here are 2 circle game songs we used to play when I was at junior school - age 7 - 11years. I can find in and out the dusty bluebells on Ytube but not 'We are 3 Jolly Fishermen'.

In and out the dusty bluebells,
In and out the dusty bluebells,
In and out the dusty bluebells,
Who shall be my partner.

Tipperty, tapperty on my shoulder,
Tipperty, tapperty on my shoulder,
Tipperty, tapperty on my shoulder
You shall be my partner.

We are 3 jolly fishermen,
We are 3 jolly fishermen,
We are 3 jolly fishermen
Just come home from sea.

We cast our nets in twosies,
We cast our nets in twosies,
We cast our nets in twosies,
Jolly old fish are we.

Oh, the big ship sails through the Alley, alley, oh,
The Alley, alley, oh,
The Alley, alley, oh.
Oh, the big ship sails through the Alley, alley, oh
On the last day of September.


Alley, alley, oh,
Alley, alley, oh
The big ship sails away.
Oh, the big ship sails through the Alley, alley, oh
On the last day of September.

The Captain said it will never, never do,
Never, never do,
Never, never do.
Oh the Captain said it will never, never do
On the last day of September.


The big ship sank to the bottom of the sea etc.


We all dip our heads in the bright blue sea etc.

We also had rhymes for juggling with 2 balls either in the air or against a wall.

Nebuchadnezzar, the King of the Jews
Bought his wife a pair of shoes.
When the shoes began to wear
Nebuchadnezzar, began to swear.
When the swear began to stop
Nebuchadnezzar, bought a shop.
When the shop began to sell
Nebuchadnezzar, bought a bell.
When the bell began to ring
Nebuchadnezzar, began to sing -
Doh, re, mi, fah, soh, la, tee, doh!

What a lot of songs we used to sing for our games. I've yet to start on the skipping and clapping ones!


  1. That's really taken me back - apart from the jolly fishermen which I don't think I've ever come across.
    J x

  2. Wow! They take my back. I didn't know the 1st two however i do remember the big ship but not the last verse and thank you for reminding me of the last one, two balls against the wall.
    Please do the skipping ones. Did you ever do elastic with rhymes?

    1. Yes, we did elastics but there were no rhymes. The elastics started at the ankles and then progressed to the knees and thighs. The moves weren't in tempo so rhymes would not fit.

    2. Yes, we played with elastics too. We just chanted In, Out, In, On, Out, Together, In as we did it.

      In Manchester it was called American Skipping, but my friend had mis-heard this so for the first few months we played it we all called it Mary Comes Skipping.

  3. I don't recognise the last one but the others I do. Did you do elastics? Not sure if there were any rhymes to that !

  4. I’d love to use them at work. Unfortunately because of any religious references I would be allowed. What a pain.

  5. Oh lots of memories there - some good some not so good. Girls in the playground can be rough and 'not very nice'
    We used Nebu what's his name as a 'sorting out a team ryme'. Bit like Dip Dip Dip my little ship.

    Cathy @ Still Waters

  6. We sang The Big Ship. We held hands in a line, the tallest child at the end put her arm on the wall. The girl at the other end led the line as we danced under the arch, then we went under the next arch... Finally all the girls were facing the other way arms crossed. The last girl joined arms with the first and we danced in a circle. It took ages but we kept repeating the song till we'd done. I was at an all girls state primary school in County Durham then... Happy days!

    1. Angela, you are wonderful - I shied away from explaining every move - your description is perfect.

  7. I've never heard the jolly fisherman one. We did handstands against the wall to Thise magnificent men in their flying machines and Under the moon of love Showaddywaddy !!! We did in and out the dusty bluebells too and oranges and lemons where we'd stand in two lines facing each other and you had to skip through and not be the ones caught at the chop off your head bit!

    1. Rachel, you are wonderful too. I forgot that we also played oranges and lemons.

  8. Another wonderful part of blogging!

    Seeing another part of life, which is different from one's own.

    I remember different rhymes from childhood, in the US.

    It's lovely to see what you remember.


Thank you for your comments. it's always exciting reading them.