
Tuesday 7 November 2017

Updating, upcycling, upsetting, upheavel, uppiling, upstairs now, uplifting

* Decorate family room - check

* Decorate kitchen - check

* Decorate dining room - check

* Decorate lounge - check

Decorate back bedroom - nearly check. The painting is done and the carpet fitter has measured the room and taken our order for a new carpet.

The bathroom new washbasin and cupboard are in boxes in the front bedroom, the back bedroom furniture is on the landing, in the front bedroom and in the bathroom.

The new toilet for the under stairs loo is in the hall with the new washbasin and cupboard upstairs in the front bedroom.

Some of the back bedroom is up in the loft room and all my craft stuff is in the loft room and the front bedroom.

The carpet underlay for the front bedroom is in the other loft room.

Still with me?

We can only just walk around the bed. Order will be restored by next year - hopefully!


PS The CS has received quite a few donations these last few months.


  1. I'm with you, I completely understand, one room can cayse chaos.

  2. All looks amazing. Well done. I know there are things to do, arent there always. Am not showing my list. But what has been done looks awesome.

  3. Oh, my you are in the midst of a complete upheaval. Hopefully all will be finished soon. Hopefully you are not expecting company for Christmas.

    God bless.

  4. You've achieved so much. The end is in sight. X

  5. Wow, you've been super busy. It all looks lovely. It'll be worth the upheaval when it's all finished.

  6. No wonder you've been MIA! Great work going on there. We're nearly finished the hall and vestibule-nearly ! Catriona

  7. Busy, busy! It's looking beautiful.

  8. Catching up with other blogs. This is gorgeous! xx

  9. It must be hard for you to know which room you are in LOL! We are much the same but are only doing one room at a time. We finished the first bedroom then put all the stuff from the next one on the list into the first one. So now apart from being clean and decorated it is full of stuff so at present I cannot appreciate it. The bed comes at the end of November and the wardrobes next week...should just about have it all ready for when mum comes to stay in December.
    Your decorating has transformed your house - I love before and afters.


Thank you for your comments. it's always exciting reading them.