
Friday 15 September 2017

"Time for bed", said Zebedee

About half of the greenhouse has been put to bed with the taking out of the 2 cucumber plants and all but one of the tomatoes. The grapevine is 'staying up a bit longer' as it has a few more bunches on it that I shall eat this and next week. In the middle of the window is the newly planted vine which I will train up and along next year.

Most of the leaves will now just fall off of their own accord and I shall prune back the branches in about a month. 

Some of the grapes on the bunches are turning bad so I must pull those out and just eat the good ones.

The corn has gone to bed already with the cobs being picked and the plants put in the council compost. The husks will be taken off and the corn cobs frozen. We will eat some this weekend ...

... boiled up and then drizzled with butter. :)

It's not quite time for the runner beans to go to bed as they are late cropping and are still my main vegetable each day.

The beet root will be tackled tomorrow and will probably give up and go to bed with a bit of persuasion.

The leeks are the campers and will rest outside for the winter.

I've picked quite a few patty pan and will definitely grow them again next year, I think, even though they take up rather a lot of room and only yield little tiny morsels.

The spinach is still wide awake and will only go to bed when I've eaten it!

Oh courgette, your eyes are closing. Only another grill with cheese and tomato and then you will finally rest.

Now pear, I've already eaten one of you and one has dropped off into the strawberry patch and run away. Please don't drop off until you're a little softer and I can eat you for afters.

Keep bright and cheerful, apples, your bedtime isn't until October.

Strawberries, you are going to need a haircut before you go to bed. NO argument!

Little outdoor grapes, it seems a shame to eat you before you've had a decent half year's sleep. I'll just prune you a little before it gets cold. Then you can rest.

Night, sleep tight, to half the garden. See you in the springtime.



  1. That is amazing. The amount of produce. WELL DONE YOU.X

  2. We will be putting our garden to bed once we get home. There might be a few things we need to cover to protect them from frost for a bit.

    God bless.

  3. It's always so funny to me - here I am posting spring blossoms as my blog's header pic, and you're putting your garden to sleep for the winter...

    Mum, could I ask you to post a close up pic of your grape vine pruning please?

  4. Our beans came early and fast and are now over. You are lucky to hang in there. It does seem that summer is over.

  5. I covert your greenhouse and being able to grow grapes! We have just eaten our last Courgette, not sure if we have any more cooking apples until we go up to Scotland to our cottage next week but our freezer is full to bursting. I like how you put your garden to bed.

  6. Like you I have been putting things to bed too. I flipped the strawberries a month ago and I have flowers and strawberries growing! I still have couguettes and lots of beetroot outside, that I'll try and use up over the next month. My greenhouse still has quite a few tomatoes, chilli's and peppers. I seem to spend lots of time preserving. What a great crop of corn you have and your greenhouse is beautiful.


Thank you for your comments. it's always exciting reading them.