
Sunday 23 July 2017

The time has come ...

... to decorate as it's not been 'done' inside for an awfully long time. The carpets need replacing and every room needs decorating so it's blitz time. Carpets have been rolled up and taken to the tip, furniture moved, sideboard emptied and consequently every room is now a tip. 

Empty sideboard now in the front room

Dining room ready for decorating

Bathroom cupboard emptied

More bathroom stuff

Dining chairs in the hall

Sideboard contents scattered about the bedroom

Oh dear!
One room is now empty and DH has been sanding, filling and painting. Ah - paint. Isn't it hard to find the right colour. We've been backwards and forwards to Bee and Queue trying out colour samples and looking at them in different corners of rooms. Colours have got to 'go' with the colour of the furniture and also with one ceiling which we're not painting.

It took a week to paint the ceiling last time.

Ah - paint. Isn't it expensive! Wow.

The bathroom's makeover involves changing a radiator and changing taps. Ah - taps. Isn't it hard to find taps that will fit existing baths etc.  Ah - taps. When looking for taps in the bathroom store we found it very difficult not to look at other items too so we came away with a new basin unit as well as the taps. Oh, and a new mirror too. We are going to be kept busy for quite a while, methinks.



  1. Must be catching, we stripping wallpaper off in our bedroom. Can't wait to replace the carpet, its gone transparent....... it has bald patches!

    Julie xxxxxxx

  2. Exciting I love a good makeover xx

  3. How exciting! Your head must be buzzing!

  4. Good lu k, when you finish come and do ours, just painting but no motivation.

  5. Your room looks very grand. I think you're doing the best thing by tackling it all at once. I'd rather be in a mess for a while than stop and start. Yes paint is expensive.

  6. How exciting. Our house desperately needs redecorating. We were waiting until we had the kitchen extended, but I'm not sure that will go ahead this year now, so it might be a while yet. I'll satisfy my cravings by following your decorating exploits instead. Good luck with it all. I'm sure it will be worth the effort.

  7. Good idea to blitz it if you can, we should be having our bathroom redone but I'm dragging my feet. At least we know the upheaval is worth it in the end. Good luck!

  8. Phew! One room at a time is enough for me!
    Good Luck

  9. Have to do some soon. Keep putting it off. Maybe a winter chore. xx

  10. Decorating always seems to start with something small and then it snowballs and gets out of control. Good luck on your projects.

  11. Good for you. Changing the taps in the bathroom or kitchen is the one decorating chore that Hubby and I dislike intensely. Those things are very expensive.

    Have fun.

    God bless.


Thank you for your comments. it's always exciting reading them.