
Sunday 30 July 2017

Guess who

Who's this? Yes, yes, it's me of course, but who else?

Will this help? 

Maybe this. A-ha, a third person.

You'll guess now.

Yes, it was Meanqueen but she was being very nice today when we met up and went for a walk in Cleveleys. Not only did DD and I welcome her but a little puss cat joined in for a fuss. Good job we all three like moggies.

The sun shone ...

the wind blew ...

and the sea sparkled.

not just the sea sparkling!

Plenty of flowers to look at ...

and people to watch.

A very pleasant walk with very pleasant company. 

Thank you for the walking invite, Meanqueen and I hope you enjoyed our little part of the country.


  1. How exciting! I must have been lovely to meet Ilona and it looks like you had a beautiful day for the occasion. Gorgeous views. You can't beat a good blast of sea air. X

  2. Hi Mum, Cleveleys looks lovely and the plants on the sea front are beautiful. Its lovely that you have met each other. Would love to meet a blogger near me in Essex,

  3. Hi Mum. You didn't tell me that my trouser bottom was tucked into my sock. Must have got dressed in a hurry. Nice to meet you both.

  4. This has made me smile. What a happy post.
    J x

  5. Quite envious, looks like you had a good day. I was raised in Thornton, spent many hours on the beach and prom'. My sisters holiday apartments are opposite the lovely flowers. Love your craft and gardening posts. Your blog inspires and makes me smile. Dx


Thank you for your comments. it's always exciting reading them.