
Monday 1 May 2017

In the style of


Good morning! Every week I would like to post in the style of one of my Simply Delightful favourite blogs. A sort of homage to the writing and presentation techniques of the bloggers.

So, hello everyone. First day of a new month. Let’s hope the weather hots up and then we can have more days out and about in the garden. It looks like it’s going to be a fresh and warm day today, without the gusty winds which we had yesterday. Just right for a Bank Holiday car boot maybe.

In spite of the wind I managed to get quite a bit done yesterday as well as fitting in my walk, which was up the road and back and down the road and back so making 2.2 miles in total. There was some time spent in the garden hoeing weeds and inspecting the plants in the greenhouse. The corn is now a couple of centimetres high and the grapevine is going great guns. I’ve started pinching out the side shoots on the tomatoes. I’ll probable get some more time in today to do some more hoeing (must keep on top of those weeds) and then I’m going to plant some runner beans outside. There’s already one runner bean sprouting which must have been dropped last year. I shall leave it in and give it its own support.

I forgot to make some bread yesterday so that will be first on the agenda today. There’s nothing to match home made bread. The shop bought versions are limp alternatives which taste of nothing and disintegrate in the mouth. 

Other tasks for today include making a chicken casserole (still eating from the freezer - only 2 shelves to go) and going for a swim. My walking will be around the car boot and walking to the gym. Breakfast will probably be a bacon butty at the car boot so this will last us until we eat the casserole at tea time. We may have some fruit or a small snack at lunch time depending on how hungry we feel.

We will have no rest in the evening as it is the evening for our music group. Should be fun and afterwards we’ll flop in front of the TV to watch a new series. All in all a very full day which is just the way I like it. We've been sleeping better recently but last night the fences were rattling due to the wind. Needless to say they were fixed yesterday so tonights sleep should be noise free.

Hope your day will be productive and full.

Please look my Simply Delightful Blogs to find out whose style I've tried to re-create here. :)


  1. Its rather cold and damp here (Somerset) today, was awoken by a downpour of rain.
    Is it the style of "Diary of a (retired) Teacher"? Who was the first one?

    Julie xxxxx

    1. Well done. The first one was Two Men and a Little Farm.

  2. It sounds like you're fitting a lot into your day.
    It's still very breezy here today so it's perfect for getting the washing dry.
    We've just come back from a walk and my bread is proving too!
    Enjoy the rest of your day and your music group. X

  3. You are busy today. Hope you have a bit of a rest before you went to your music group.

    God bless.


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