
Sunday 9 April 2017

Sunny Sunderland Point

A sunny day means out and about and this time it was to Sunderland Point with a friend.

A walk along the river led to the stoney beach. I picked some flowers and grasses along the way.

We had to spot and make smiley stones in this stretch of the walk.

Around the peninsula and the scenery changes yet again. There's plenty of driftwood on the grassy and sandy shore.

More pebbles and stones abound.

Here are the grassy parts with small pools every so often.

A visit to Sambo's grave site is a must.

My small bunch of dead gorse, fallen daffodil and creeping flowers were a gift for Sambo, among the many others left by visitors.

There was jewellery, pebbles, twigs, toys and more flowers for the boy.

Near to the site is a geo-cache with left trinkets inside. We left a gift here also.

A walk back to the beginning of our jaunt along a narrow lane guarded by gorse in all its glory led to further investigation and study of the flora and fauna.

We stopped to admire this wall and ...

also this sculpture on the shore front.

Just type in Sunderland Point in the search box or click on the label below to see more pics and read more information on this peaceful and unusual place.



  1. It looks like a lovely walk and such gorgeous blue sky! It's now on my list of places to visit. X

  2. Looks lovely!!! Nothing like getting out for a good walk to blow the cobwebs away!

    keep well

    Amanda x

  3. Love your walks. Who was Sambo?

    1. Hi Jill, try this link.

  4. Lovely photos!
    Seems a wonderful place!
    I love that wall, I wish I had a wall like that around my property,at least twelve feet high!
    It would be my own secret garden of sorts.

  5. What a beautiful and peaceful place to visit.

    God bless.

  6. I still haven't visited Sunderland Point, I really hope to get up there this year.

  7. What a lovely walk. I just read the link you left for JustJill. Very interesting

    Julie xxxxx

  8. Despite living so close all my life I've never been! Your post has made me put it on my to do list

  9. It was a lovely walk. I had to look up Sambo as well! In the USA, Sambo is not a name, term we use at all anymore. Reading the story makes it clear and what a sad story it is. However, then and now, it seems like the community have taken care of the dear little boy! Thank you for this little piece of history! 😊


Thank you for your comments. it's always exciting reading them.