
Wednesday 1 March 2017

From my seat

Getting back to fitness after a major operation takes time - baby steps each day. 

From my seat at the Tower ballroom I see many people keeping fit by dancing. I'm now able to hold my own in all of the dances.

To my left is the stage where the organist plays for the sequence and ballroom dances.

Above me are the extravagant light fittings in the ballroom.

Behind me is a picture in tiles comparing the height of different towers in the world.

And in front of me is my fan - it's hot work tripping the light fantastic - and my water to keep me going.

Not only did I dance all afternoon but I also walked home too. That's my exercise for the day - done in the beautiful surroundings of the Ballroom. One of my favourite hobbies is helping with my recovery journey. Can't be bad. I shall be walking tomorrow.



  1. So pleased you're back dancing. I bet you missed it.

  2. What a lovely hobby, and such a beautiful setting, glad you had a lovely day xx

  3. Wow what an achievement. And an enjoyable one I bet. xxx

  4. Its nice to do normal things after a major operation, glad you had a nice afternoon

  5. Little by little! Great to see you are on the mend!

    keep well
    Amanda xx

  6. How lovely. I am glad to see that you are back dancing. I do love the ballroom.

    God bless.

  7. Sounds like the perfect afternoon x


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